Archive - Month: June 2023

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

30. June 2023

Working Sustainably in the Circular Economy Regional Competence Centre for Work Design to be established at TU Braunschweig

30. June 2023

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: The participation process enters the second round Application for the CO_WORKSHOP in October is now possible

30. June 2023

Extended Large Wave Current Flume with the World’s Largest Wave Machine Opened Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck and Minister President Stephan Weil put the research facility into operation together with participants from the universities

26. June 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr Stefanie Tschierlei and Prof. Dr Jonny Proppe The (R)evolution of Molecule Design

22. June 2023

The Future of Internationalisation TU9 Conference and Evening Event in Berlin

22. June 2023

Cultural Heritage Construction Exhibition in the Architecture Pavilion of TU Braunschweig

19. June 2023

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr. Ralf Jänicke, Prof. Dr. Henning Wessels and Prof. Dr. Roland Wüchner Areas of application for Computational Engineering

16. June 2023

Architectural lightness for optimal learning conditions Central student house inaugurated

16. June 2023

Scientific “Modellprojekt Raumpädagogik” at the IGS Querum TU Braunschweig and City of Braunschweig sign cooperation agreement

16. June 2023

Together for more diversity TU Braunschweig sets a sign for diversity, anti-discrimination and equality

15. June 2023

The clock is ticking: TU Braunschweig’s ClimateCrisisClock launched Countdown for the climate at the Forum Building

15. June 2023

BepiColombo: Another flyby of Mercury Only three years until launch into orbit

14. June 2023

Outstanding commitment to sustainability TUmorrow Awards presented in three categories

14. June 2023

Sneak peek at studying! TU Braunschweig offers prospective students the opportunity to try out student life for a day

8. June 2023

Start of application at TU Braunschweig Bundled offers for the study decision

8. June 2023

New large-scale research device: An eagle for sustainable flying E2AGLE - Laboratory approved for the development of new aircraft electrical systems

6. June 2023

It’s showtime for the TUmorrow Days! TU Braunschweig celebrates sustainability, climate protection and social justice

6. June 2023

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig Germany's highest research award granted to Daniel Prades from Barcelona

5. June 2023

Multi-stage participation process to accompany and prepare planning for innovative urban quarter TU Braunschweig and City of Braunschweig sign cooperation agreement on CoLiving Campus