Archive - Month: April 2020

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

21. April 2020

Radar for Robots TU Braunschweig Researches Ground Radar Sensors for Robots and Self-Propelled Cars

15. April 2020

Farming With New Drives Agriculture with renewable energy supply

9. April 2020

Summer Semester Starts on April 20 as Online Semester Courses are being converted to digital formats

9. April 2020

When the Battery Runs Out Diagnosis line for the investigation of battery aging mechanisms planned

8. April 2020

Artificial Intelligence in Traffic How machine perception can be optimized by machine learning

7. April 2020

Innovative Technologies for Satellites Braunschweig and Würzburg work on small satellite INNOcube

1. April 2020

New Quantum State Detected Experiments with materials for future quantum computers