9. April 2020 | Press releases:

Summer Semester Starts on April 20 as Online Semester Courses are being converted to digital formats

Due to the Corona pandemic, the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs has decided nationwide to start the summer semester as an online semester. The summer semester at the Technische Universität Braunschweig starts on April 20 with online seminars and lectures.

The TU Braunschweig is working hard to create the necessary conditions for a smooth teaching process. To this end, the courses are currently being redesigned so that they can be held regardless of location. A comprehensive range of further training courses and computer-based instruments and methods support lecturers in converting their classroom teaching into online formats and in implementing new scenarios for teaching and learning. In addition, the technical prerequisites for online teaching are also being constructed with major effort.

“Our thanks go to the lecturers, who have already been working intensely and with much dedication on online formats for their courses for several weeks,” says TU President Prof. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla. “The great commitment and creativity with which the faculties, the central institutions and the administration are facing the challenges is outstanding”. 

“We want to provide our students with the best possible curriculum in the summer semester as well,” says the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. “Even if not everything will work out right away and we have to improvise at one point or another, the digitalisation of teaching at TU Braunschweig will receive a major boost”.

Courses that require the presence of students, such as labs, are postponed. They will resume as soon as the authorities give the appropriate approvals. Disadvantages for students shall be minimized as far as possible. In order to avoid time delays in the course of studies, flexible solutions are to be found to overcome the hurdles that arise from the transition to an online semester.

Solutions for examinations are being sought with great energy. In special cases, oral examinations have already been converted to digital formats. Students can find the current regulations for their exams on their faculty’s website and for the courses on the StudIP learning platform.

Further information is available at www.tu-braunschweig.de/en/notes-on-the-coronavirus