16. July 2020 | Note-Blog

Gödel Prize laureate Prof. Mitchell gives virtual guest lecture at TU Braunschweig

How can one find an optimal roundtrip in a large network? Problems of this type are known to be very hard to solve, but occur in a large spectrum of contexts, both in theory and practice. In the first virtual Computer Science colloquium at the TU Braunschweig, Gödel Prize laureate Prof. Joseph Mitchell (Stony Brook University, USA) discussed a wide range of classic and brand new results that are based on geometric insights. In front of a broad audience, Prof. Mitchell described his result on approximating shortest geometric roundtrips and several other geometric optimization problems. He also described various connections to research in Computer Science at Braunschweig, to which he is connected by long-standing and ongoing cooperation. He will be back to Braunschweig in the future!