11. July 2024 | Note-Blog

Application for DLR_Uni_Summer_School

Two research aircraft are taking part in the DLR_Uni_Summer_School: the Cessna F406 D-ILAB from the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) at TU Braunschweig and a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan from DLR. Photo credit: Max Fuhrmann/TU Braunschweig

The DLR_Uni_Summer_School 2024 is a unique event in Germany, organised by aerospace universities and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. – DLR). Participants can put their theoretical knowledge to the test on research flights and in the DLR simulator, systematically recording and analysing data and presenting it at the end of the event. For one week, they take on the role of flight test engineers, who accompany them and provide exclusive insights.

The research flights will take place with the Cessna F406 D-ILAB of the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) of TU Braunschweig and the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan of DLR. Lectures and facilities at the Braunschweig Research Airport can also be visited. The event won’t just be a chance to consolidate and test theoretical knowledge, but also to get to know each other, get a taste of what it’s like and network.

If you are interested in participating in the DLR_Uni_Summer_School, please contact your university/institute or send an e-mail to flugversuche@tu-braunschweig.de. We will be happy to put you in touch. Registrations are still possible until 17 July 2024.

On behalf of TU Braunschweig, the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) enables five students of Aerospace Engineering to participate in the DLR_Uni_Summer_School. Please send an informal application (concise CV, transcript of records) to the e-mail address above.

  • Date and venue of the event: 09.09.-13.09.2024 in Braunschweig (Preparation: 02.09.-06.09.2024)
  • Prerequisites for participation: Lectures “Flugleistungen” and “Flugeigenschaften der Längs- und Seitenbewegung”
  • Arrival, accommodation and meals – if necessary – are to be organised and paid for by the participants themselves
  • Participants will receive all further information once they have been accepted.