Tag: Computer Science 12. May 2020 Mathematical Decision Support How Covid-19 Testing Can Become More Efficient 1. October 2019 Picture of the Month: Dreamy Distortions of Artificial Intelligence Submitted by the Institute for System Security 8. August 2019 From South Africa to Braunschweig Students from Stellenbosch University visit the Institute of Software Engineering and Automotive Informatics 30. July 2019 The man who made Firefox seven times faster made Humboldt Prize winner Professor Michael Franz at the Institute of Software Engineering and Automotive Informatics 20. June 2019 Big Data for a virtual emergency register 1.2 million euros for research to make rescue services more efficient in the future 31. July 2018 3D printing with concrete: “Pushing the limits of kinematics” Robot-controlled production in unique facility 12. March 2018 TU Braunschweig, TU München, and University of California Irvine launch joint technology development project Initiative will focus on creation of ‘information processing factory’ computer chips 3. May 2017 Focus on Research: “Self-Aware Vehicles” A view on the Project “Controlling Concurrent Change” 12345