Press releases

Besuch der Delegation des ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse am Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig im Januar. Bildnachweis: TU Braunschweig/Rottig
29. February 2024

Leading European research on sustainability in aviation Technische Universität Braunschweig, Delft University of Technology and ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse extend cooperation in aviation research

21. February 2024

Hackdays: The positive effect is measurable Evaluation of the "Make Your School" project by the Institute for Communication Science

20. February 2024

Biomolecules identified at the nanoscale TU Braunschweig presents new method for measuring amino acids

19. February 2024

#flut23: Search for photos and videos of the Christmas floods TU Braunschweig wants to improve flood protection

12. February 2024

104 students receive a Deutschlandstipendium Financial support for their studies and a network for their professional future

12. February 2024

INF4INiTY – a joint innovative floating offshore wind project A large EU consortium joins efforts to develop integrated nature-inclusive designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology

8. February 2024

AngryWaters – Protecting coasts from extreme events Prof. Nils Goseberg receives ERC Consolidator Grant

2. February 2024

Heavy Metal A symphony concert on the instrument of the year 2024 - the tuba

1. February 2024

Aerospace: Less air friction, less emissions Successful wind tunnel testing of 3D printed extraction panels

26. January 2024

DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2024 Goes to Student House Competition procedure worth imitating

25. January 2024

Physics information day for pupils Experiments, lectures, guided tours

19. January 2024

Strategies for dealing with extreme marine events and natural hazards Third DAM research mission mareXtreme launched with TU Braunschweig participation

18. January 2024

Living and working in a department store Laves Prize for Braunschweig architecture students Antonia Stöcker and Paul Knauer

11. January 2024

Anti-Semitism and antiscience attitudes Panel discussion in the old town hall of Braunschweig

22. December 2023

Wind energy: Measurement flights in the USA successfully completed Large-scale experiment on wind wakes in the Great Plains

21. December 2023

Successfully integrated qubit control in quantum computers TU Braunschweig researches scaling solution for Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

14. December 2023

Application portal open Apply now for the summer semester

13. December 2023

Offshore wind power: When the seabed liquefies Collaborative project investigates seafloor changes in the Large Wave Current Channel

7. December 2023

High-achieving and socially committed Seven students honoured with the "Braunschweig Citizen Award" 2023 - 14,500 euros distributed

6. December 2023

Environmentally friendly rechargeable batteries Efficient production processes for sustainable sodium-ion batteries