Ideas for modern learning spaces Exhibition on the 'Spatial Pedagogy Model Project' shows designs in the 'Science Schaufenster'
Press release of the city of Braunschweig
The City of Braunschweig and Technische Universität Braunschweig are jointly realising a scientific model project entitled ‘Spatial Pedagogy at the Integrated Comprehensive School (IGS) Querum ‘. It deals with the question of how school rooms need to be designed in order to become modern learning spaces.

The integrated comprehensive school Querum was the focus of the project. Photo credits: Meike Töpperwien
After the kick-off event last year, the participating institutes of TU Braunschweig, the Institute for Educational Science and the Institute for Design and Building Theory, provided scientific support for the process and advanced it together with IGS Querum.
This is the so-called ‘Phase 0’, which precedes the actual planning and construction, and in which the school’s stakeholders were involved in various formats. The aim was to identify the needs of the users and to develop suitable spatial concepts.
On 27 November, Prof. Dr. Anja Hesse, Head of the Department of Culture and Science, opened an exhibition entitled ‘Metamorphosis of the IGS Querum’ in the future rooms of the ‘Science Schaufenster’ at Waisenhausdamm 8, which presents the process so far. During a tour, scientific staff and students explained their work to the invited guests and summarised the results and recommendations.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students for their participation in the project. Not only have they addressed highly relevant questions about new and beneficial learning environments and spaces, but they are also entering into a discourse with the urban community by presenting their work to the public,” said Prof. Dr. Anja Hesse.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students for their participation in the project. Not only have they addressed highly relevant questions about new and beneficial learning environments and spaces, but they are also entering into a discourse with the urban community by presenting their work to the public,” said Prof. Dr. Anja Hesse.
The two TU Braunschweig institutes involved in the project approached the issue from different disciplinary perspectives. The Institute of Educational Science used a participatory approach to identify the spatial needs and wishes of the school community and incorporate them into the planning process. “As an educational scientist, it is important to me that we create learning spaces that best support the pedagogical concept of IGS Querum and in which children and young people learn to help shape and change the future,” said Prof. Dr. Katja Koch, Vice-President of TU Braunschweig. In a seminar, students from the Institute for Design and Building Theory developed architectural drafts for a possible spatial implementation, which are presented in the exhibition together with models.
The ‘Science Schaufenster‘ (‘Science Shop Window’) is a vacant space rented by the city of Braunschweig for an initial period of two years, in which Braunschweig’s scientific institutions will present their research to the public. The aim is to let the public know in passing what research is being done in Braunschweig and the region. In this way, a new bridge is to be built between students, citizens and scientists.
The exhibition will be open until Friday 6 December at the following times in the future rooms of the “Science Schaufenster” at Waisenhausdamm 8: Friday 29 November, Monday 2 December and Tuesday 3 December from 10 am to 1 pm. Wednesday 4 December from 2 to 4 pm and Friday 6 December from 10 am to 1 pm.