12. September 2024 | Press releases:

Entrepreneurship can be learned – first in Braunschweig, then nationwide Regional Development Ministry promotes start-up incubator for trainees

Joint press release of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development and Technische Universität Braunschweig

Technische Universität Braunschweig is developing special teaching formats to strengthen entrepreneurial thinking among trainees with the necessary knowledge and motivation to start a business. This involves a start-up-oriented transfer of knowledge from the university to vocational schools. Matthias Wunderling-Weilbier, State Secretary at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, handed over a grant of 456,809.22 euros to Prof. Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig, and Prof. Reza Asghari, Head of the Entrepreneurship Hub, on Thursday. The money comes from the EU-funded “Social Innovation” programme.

“The fresh and unbiased perspective of young people holds great potential for innovation. Backed by the right skills, new and unconventional solutions can emerge – thanks to European funding, we will give space to this creative approach. At the same time, we are helping educational institutions, start-ups and training companies to network even better on labour market and skilled labour in the Braunschweig region,” says Wunderling-Weilbier. “With the development of a model start-up incubator and its partly digital learning content, we are systematically qualifying pupils in Lower Saxony and throughout Germany. At the same time, we are strengthening the entrepreneurial motivation to start their own business, because in challenging times, new ideas and bold solutions are all the more necessary.”

“The project “Entrepreneurship und Unternehmertum an Berufsbildenden Schulen“ (Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship at Vocational Schools) is a pioneering example of successful transfer between science and practice. The excellent project structure and the successful collaboration between the researchers and the school management and teaching staff enable a multi-directional transfer of knowledge between the university and the regional science ecosystem,” said Ittel.

“We see innovation as a key success factor for the economy. That is why we are particularly pleased to be able to pass on our knowledge of entrepreneurship to vocational schools in Lower Saxony. In this way, we are not only promoting entrepreneurial and innovative thinking among young people, but also creating the basis for increased start-up behaviour,” said Asghari.


Since 2015, the state of Lower Saxony has been promoting solutions for adapting to social and demographic change through its “Social Innovation” programme. What makes the programme special is its broad and experimental approach, which opens up space for new solutions. It is funded by the EU’s European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). A total of €18.6 million is available for the current funding period from 2021 to 2027. Depending on the region, projects can receive up to 80 per cent funding through Social Innovation in Lower Saxony.