24. May 2024 | Magazine:

TU Braunschweig stands for democracy, diversity and tolerance Presidential Board endorses declaration - Company day of action on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law

The Presidential Board of TU Braunschweig emphatically supports the “Declaration for Democracy and Diversity in Germany and Europe”, which was formulated in Braunschweig together with trade unions, employers’ associations, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Chambers of Trade, and will actively participate in the company day of action on 23 May.

Diversity and democracy are more important than ever for peaceful coexistence in our society. Together with the research region and urban society, TU Braunschweig stands up for the values that make our democratic society strong and united.

“Diversity and democracy are more important than ever. Employers and trade unions stand together for the values that make our society strong and united.

The dignity of every human being is inviolable. Irrespective of origin, religion, political conviction, social status or sexual orientation, inalienable human rights are the foundation of our society. They are the foundation of every human community, of peace and justice. 75 years ago, the creators of the Basic Law – and we with them – committed ourselves to protecting and preserving these values. We remain firmly committed to them today.

It is not only the state that protects human dignity. We all have a responsibility. Together, we are committed to ensuring that discrimination, hatred and marginalisation have no place – in the workplace, in schools and universities, and in society. Our companies and organisations reflect the diversity of society. All the people who work for us are our colleagues, neighbours and friends. We value and need them.

We are committed to ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities and rights, regardless of their origin or other personal characteristics. We condemn all forms of racism and misanthropy. Incitement and violence against minorities or those who think differently is unacceptable and harms our community, our democracy and our economy.

It is time to take responsibility together and stand up for democracy and diversity. We call for an open and tolerant society where everyone is respected and valued. The upcoming elections in Europe and in the individual countries require joint action. We are not a silent minority, but a strong and visible majority. The decision is up to us – let’s stand together for democracy and diversity in Germany and Europe.

Braunschweig initiative #buntstadt

The declaration was initiated by a Braunschweig initiative for democracy, diversity and tolerance. A large number of trade unions, employers’ associations, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts and the Research Region are participating under the banner of #buntstadt.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the German Basic Law on 23 May 2024 and the European Elections on 9 June 2024, a series of events will take place in May and June in which TU Braunschweig is actively involved.

Day of action at TU Braunschweig

On Thursday, 23 May 2024, at 12 p.m., all members of our university are invited to a day of action at the university square:

Speeches by the President, the students and the Staff Council with the unveiling of the #buntstadt banner and other actions will highlight the importance of our basic democratic values.