10. March 2023 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │10.03.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Virtual Learning Companions + Eduroam goes off campus + Oh, that sparks!

Editor: Dilara Aktaş

► Energy-monitoring

You can now take a look at the consumption and savings of heating energy as well as electricity for the past months on the energy-saving-website. Two graphs map the data for monthly consumption as well as monthly and average savings.

► From Cardio Stress Test to Qigong

On 20 March, the Health Week starts at our university. For five days, a wide range of face-to-face and online events will be available for all employees and students. You can book the lectures, workshops and sports courses via the programme overview.

► Eduroam also planned outside TU Braunschweig

Eduroam offers students and employees of TU Braunschweig wifi access – worldwide at the locations of the participating universities and organizations. Coverage in the city of Braunschweig is being further expanded in the “eduroam off Campus” project.

► Putting out the fire in the brain

In autoimmune encephalitis, the body’s own defences are directed against the central nervous system. Patients describe the symptoms as a “fire in the brain”. Researchers have developed a new potential therapeutic for this disease.

► Artificial intelligence in teaching

The chatbot “ChatGPT” is currently on everyone’s lips. What does artificial intelligence mean for studying and teaching? At the Institute of Service Information Systems, Dr. Ricarda Schlimbach is working on Learning Companions, virtual companions designed to help students learn.

► The Systems Biology Centre BRICS introduces itself

The BRICS has changed in its composition since it opened in 2016. The new concept is presented in a video by BRICS spokesperson Prof. Dieter Jahn. In it, researchers also show which technologies they are working with and what they are researching.

► Searching for science talent worldwide

Dr. Dominik Baumgarten from the Research Services recently presented TU Braunschweig at the European Career Fair at the MIT in Boston. In our interview, he reports on how he supports TU researchers in approaching international scientists.

► Startups: Application for iTUBS Starter Package 2023

Young start-ups in the high-tech sector can still apply for the iTUBS starter package until 21 March. The starter package supports founders in the region with orientation and networking.

► Funding for impact projects for young researchers

Doctoral students of the research focus “City of the Future” are given the opportunity to try out ideas that involve non-university groups in their research by receiving project fellowships. An advisory meeting will take place on 16 March at the Sandkasten-Zentrale.

► Researchers Recruit Researchers

The Research Service offers a one-hour online workshop on the topic of recruiting and according research funding opportunities on 13 April at 10:30.

► Children’s Spring Festival at Campus North

On 18 March, there will be a spring festival for children aged five to twelve on the North Campus. Dancing, handicrafts, games and face painting are on the programme from 10:00 to 18:00. The festival is organised by students from Faculty 6.

► Darling of the week

There are many impressive women at TU Braunschweig who stand up for their ideas and are both confident and courageous in science. Doctoral student Silvia Müllner is one of many women. Within the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers, she is researching how light couples better to molecules by means of a special twist. Many challenges had to be overcome before she decided to study physics at the age of 32. We are proud that with 26 percent we have more and more female scientists at our university.

►On our own account

You may have already noticed last week: “The Week” now has its own email address! From now on, our weekly newsletter will be sent from diewoche@tu-braunschweig.de. You are also welcome to send your contribution suggestions and feedback to this address.