8. September 2023 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │08.09.2023 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Australia +++ ERC Starting Grants +++ SE2A-Interview +++
Conference for positive change +++ Kinder-Uni

Editor: Dilara Aktaş

► Australia: TU Braunschweig expands partner network

TU Braunschweig and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) will cooperate more closely in research and teaching in the future. In a Memorandum of Understanding, both universities agree to further expand the academic exchange of students and researchers. The MoU was signed on the sidelines of a trip to Australia by a German TU9 Alliance delegation.

► FAQ: Energy saving tips for the heating season

Even though summer is showing its best side once again: As a university, we must continue to save energy – through electricity conservation and, soon, through smart heating. The heating period does not start until 1 October, we have already published the info about the extended closing time at the turn of the year. You can find an overview of all the measures for the 2023/2024 heating season in the FAQ.

► Using microchips to better understand diseases like schizophrenia

Dr. Thomas Winkler, Head of Junior Research Group at PVC, will receive a prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his research on modular organ-on-chip technology to better understand neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. Congratulations!

► “There is no Silver Bullet that saves the climate”

The Cluster of Excellence SE2A aims to lay the foundations for a transformation in the air transport system to significantly reduce emissions. Find out which solutions are emerging and what will change for passengers in our interview with cluster spokesperson Professor Jens Friedrichs.

► Climate Crisis meets Urbanisation

On 11 and 12 October, the Core Research Area “Future City” invites you to the conference #SdZ23. A diverse programme around “Research and Action for Positive Change” awaits you in Braunschweig’s Mühlenpfordt high-rise building. Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founder of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, will be among the speakers. Register now!

► Better care through better cooperation between the medical professions

An interprofessional module is being added to the pharmacy and medicine curricula. For this purpose, the Braunschweig Municipal Hospital, the Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen and TU Braunschweig have founded the PJ Academy.

► Together for Climate Adaptation

Ideas for a climate-adapted city can be contributed on 21 September at the kick-off forum of “Co-Adapted Braunschweig” in the Trafo Hub. One of the guest speakers at the kick-off is Prof. Stephan Weber. The project was initiated by the City of Braunschweig together with the Institute for Geoecology and the SpACE Lab of the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism.

► Kinder-Uni is back!

How can plastic bottles be reused? This question will be answered by TU Braunschweig as part of the Kinder-Uni in October. Professor Stephan Scholl will give a lecture on 7 October at 10:30 in the Audimax. Children aged  8-12 years who are interested in science can register from 15 September. For the first time, the lecture will be complemented by a podcast series in which pupils interview TU scientists on the topic of “Zero waste”.

► Symposium on Health Care Construction

The programme for “Space for Health” on 2 November is now online. The symposium – organised by the Institute of Construction Design, Industrial and Health Care Construction (IKE) – focuses on the interaction between the built environment, people, medicine and hygiene in patient care.

► Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023

The TU Braunschweig contributes to this year’s Postdoc Appreciation Week with a workshop on “My visibility as a scientific expert on LinkedIn & ResearchGate” on 20 September. Registration for the workshop is possible via mail.

► “Last-Minute Teaching Preparation Day” of Co3Learn project

Are you still looking for some last-minute tips to make your teaching more interactive or digitally enriched? Then come along to the Masch.Bau conference room on 12 October from 10 am. Here you will receive impulses that can be quickly implemented. You can find more information about the programme here. Registration is not required.

► Regular online information events of the DFG

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) regularly offers information events on funding programs in the early career phase, on topics related to equal opportunities and diversity, and on funding opportunities for international collaborations.

► Plasmonic Lenses

What at first glance looks like a row of CDs in our September Picture of the Month is actually microscopic lenses from the LENA research centre. Recorded with the Müller Matrix Ellipsometer, the lenses’ primary purpose is to improve the device itself.

► On our own behalf: Trainee Award for TU Braunschweig

We are very proud that the Communication and Press Service has been awarded the prize for exemplary training of volunteers by the Federal Association of University Communication for the fifth time in a row. We are one of 12 universities to receive the award this year.

► Darling of the week

Our darlings of the week are two students from the USA, Sarah Winnier and Jen Nguyen, who spent an exciting summer at TU Braunschweig. As part of their research fellowship at the Institute of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, they explored the genetic material of cocoa plants. In this interview, they tell us about their impressions and experiences in Braunschweig.

► Events

There is always something going at TU Braunschweig in the upcoming week. Whether lectures, discussions, information events, concerts, films and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and let yourself be inspired.