22. May 2024 | Magazine:

Statement by the Executive Board on current events at universities Commitment to diversity and living democracy

In light of the current events unfolding at universities in Germany and on social media in connection with the conflict in Gaza and Israel, the Executive Board of TU Braunschweig has once again taken the opportunity to reiterate the position of the Technische Universität Braunschweig.

Our self-image as a cosmopolitan university is based on our commitment to diversity and democracy in practice. These are indispensable prerequisites for critical discourse, open dialogue and peaceful coexistence at our university, as well as in our society.

More than 20,000 people from over 120 nations, with a variety of backgrounds and religions, study, teach, research and work at Technische Universität Braunschweig. The foundation of this community is built upon the principles of humanity, respect and tolerance. That is why we take a firm stand against anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to all those who have endured and continue to endure unspeakable suffering in this war. It is of the utmost importance to us to stand up for all people equally, regardless of their origin or religion.

Technische Universität Braunschweig is a place where ideas can be shared and discussed in an open and democratic manner, even in the face of differing opinions. We offer no space or stage for anti-constitutional or criminal acts, incitement to violence or discrimination of any kind, racism or anti-Semitism; disruptions of university operations as well as threats or incitement to criminal acts, including on social media, will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted. We will actively ensure that all members of the University can feel safe on campus. We all hope for peace.

The Executive Board of Technische Universität Braunschweig stands united behind the resolution “Safeguarding the University as a Space for Discussion” of the 38th HRK General Assembly on 14 May.