Archive - Month: June 2024

Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order.

28. June 2024

The Week at TU Braunschweig │28.06.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

28. June 2024

Alumni Talk: The adventure of polar research Alumnus Prof. Markus Rex gave dramatic insights into climate change

25. June 2024

Burned-up satellite debris could deplete ozone layer Leonard Schulz in an interview about satellite debris and its impact on the atmosphere

25. June 2024

Physics student selected for Nobel Laureate Meeting Laura Patzke, Master student of Theoretical Physics, is a participant in Lindau

21. June 2024

Braunschweig metrology fit for the future Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt and TU Braunschweig extend joint Graduate School

21. June 2024

The Week at TU Braunschweig │21.06.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Bildnachweis: 21. June 2024

WirtschaftsWoche university ranking: Four TU degree programs in the top 10 Excellent job opportunities for TU engineering graduates

21. June 2024

Art treasure unearthed Cataloguing and visualising the "Straßner Collection"

20. June 2024

Why does the aeroplane’s wing have to change? "step in MINT": Practical insights into flying for female pupils

19. June 2024

Frozen at the North Pole – Expedition to the epicentre of climate change Alumni Talk with Markus Rex, expedition leader of the MOSAiC expedition

14. June 2024

Music meets science Summervibes X Campusnord Festival

14. June 2024

The Week at TU Braunschweig │14.06.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

14. June 2024

When jellyfish float above the Oker river TU Braunschweig with two light installations on the Braunschweig Light Parcours

14. June 2024

Towards greater equality in education Student initiative helps disadvantaged pupils

Bildnachweis: HTP Hidde Architekten 14. June 2024

Green light for new physics and pharmacy buildings State of Niedersachsen releases funds for financing

14. June 2024

Chemist Prof. Stephan A. Sieber receives Inhoffen Medal 2024 HZI and Technische Universität Braunschweig honour researcher

13. June 2024

Senate confirms Vice President Katja Koch unanimously re-elected

Das Altgebäude der TU Braunschweig im Frühling 12. June 2024

New Future Lab: Digitalisation in the Circular Economy Two TU institutes part of the project consortium

12. June 2024

Sustainability Awards presented TUmorrow Awards for commitment, study and teaching