8. July 2024 | Note-Blog

TU doctoral student wins Young Investigator Award

Doctoral student Svenja Stomberg was honoured with the “Young Investigator Award” at the international cGMP Conference 2024 in Lübeck. The conference is the largest international conference dedicated to the signalling molecule cGMP. “cGMP” stands for cyclic guanosine monophosphate and is a chemical messenger in cells that plays an important role in metabolism and hormone action. cGMP is used as a signalling transmitter in many drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Svenja Stomberg (4th from left) together with her co-winner Mette Ovessen (3rd from left) from Oslo and the Award Committee. Photo credit: FEBGLA e.V.

Doctoral student Svenja Stomberg from the Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacy at TU Braunschweig won the award for her presentation of promising data on the discovery of isoform-specific activators of soluble guanylate cyclase.

The Award Committee consisted of Prof. Dr. Peter Sandner (BAYER AG), Prof. Dr. Adrian Hobbs (Queen Mary University of London), Prof. Dr. Annie Beuve (New Jersey Medical School), Prof. Dr. Sheila Collins (Vanderbilt School of Medicine), Prof. Dr. Michael Marletta (University of California) and Prof. Dr. Robert Lukowski (University of Tübingen).