Social Impact Award for the Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig

The Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig was honoured with the Social Impact Award at the Erasmus Generation Meeting in Seville. Picture credits: ESN Braunschweig/TU Braunschweig
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is one of the largest student organisations in Europe. It was founded in 1989 and is now represented in more than 1,000 universities in 45 countries. The aim of the organisation is to promote and develop international student exchange. As part of the Erasmus Generation Meeting in Seville, Spain, the Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig was honoured in the “Social Impact” category for the implementation of its “Understanding Week”.
The approximately 15,000 active members support international exchange students during their time abroad, for example by providing organisational assistance during the first few days on site, offering social and cultural events and excursions to the region and helping to establish contacts. ESN members are generally involved in six areas: culture, education and youth, environmental sustainability, health and well-being, skills and employability, and social inclusion. In these areas, they organise events for both international and local students.
“Understanding Week” honoured
At the annual Erasmus Generation Meeting, which brings together around 1,500 delegates from all countries, there is also an ESN Awards ceremony. There, the work of the members is honoured in 14 different categories.
The Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig was one of the winners at this year’s Erasmus Generation Meeting in Seville in April. It received the award in the “Social Impact” category for the implementation of its “Understanding Week” in the winter semester 2023/24.
During the Understanding Week, the ESN Braunschweig organised numerous events on the topics of neurodiversity and disabilities to ensure greater mutual understanding in all groups. Workshops, lectures, games and keynote speeches on topics such as ADHD and autism were on the programme, which all students at TU Braunschweig were able to take part in. The main aim of the week was to raise the student community’s awareness of different social challenges.