30. April 2024 | Note-Blog

Schinkel Prize for Antonia Stöcker

“Projekt Furi – Tanz aus der Reihe” is the title of Antonia Stöcker’s Master’s thesis, which she completed at the Institute of Building Design under Professor Dan Schürch. In it, the Architecture graduate shows how traditional terraced house typologies can be restructured to meet the needs of the future. For her work, she has now been awarded first prize in the AIV Schinkel Competition for Architecture.

Congratulations on the award! Photo credit: Antonia Stöcker/TU Braunschweig

Professor Dan Schürch is delighted with the award: “All the important issues of our time are examined. Densification, an ageing society, multi-generational living, affordable housing, building in existing buildings, conversions, etc. But there are also thoughts about financing and feasibility. Rarely do I find a thesis as relevant as this one.”

More information about the award can be found on the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences website.