30. August 2024 | Note-Blog

Navigator Bildung Digitalisierung

Experts from the fields of education, politics, administration, science and civil society have long agreed that schools need to be radically transformed in our digitalised society. With the Navigator Bildung Digitalisierung (Navigator BD) (Navigator Education Digitalisation), the Forum Bildung Digitalisierung publishes for the first time a thematically systematised overview of the status of digital transformation in the school system. The study, in which Professor Julia Gerick from the Institute of Educational Sciences at TU Braunschweig was involved, shows that the digital transformation is being hampered not only by a lack of implementation, but also by a significant lack of knowledge.

Illustration: Benedikt Rugar

Overall, four key conclusions can be drawn from the Navigator BD:

  • The digital transformation of school education in Germany is not only suffering from a lack of implementation. Rather, there is still a considerable knowledge deficit with regard to transformation-oriented knowledge.
  • Germany needs a shared vision for digital transformation and a focus on relevant, future-oriented subjects in school education.
  • Equal opportunities should be more strongly and explicitly addressed in studies on digital transformation in order to develop an effective overall approach to overcoming the digital divide.
  • In order to capture the current status and progress of digital transformation, and to be able to continuously evaluate and respond to dynamic developments, an expanded transformation-oriented education monitoring is needed.

The Navigator BD was developed on the initiative of the Forum Bildung Digitalisierung by a team of researchers led by Professor Birgit Eickelmann (Paderborn University) and co-led by Professor Julia Gerick (Technische Universität Braunschweig) together with Professor Uta Hauck-Thum (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) and Professor Kai Maaz (DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education).