Honouring decades of commitment

Official ceremony for employees celebrating 25 or 40 years of service and retirement on 14 November 2023. Photo credit: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
For the first time this year, Technische Universität Braunschweig organised an official ceremony to honour employees on the occasion of their 25th and 40th anniversaries. Dietmar Smyrek, Vice-President for Human Resources, Finance and University Construction, hosted the ceremony on 14 November in the Architecture Pavilion. He thanked the 22 jubilarians present for their special achievements and emphasised the importance of long-serving employees for TU Braunschweig: “They are the most important resource our university has. Regine Stegemann, Chairwoman of the Staff Council, emphasised the additional voluntary commitment of many of the employees present. After the ceremonial presentation of the certificates, there was an opportunity to socialise over a small snack. The festive awards ceremony was well received by all participants and will take place again next year.