1. July 2024 | Press releases:

Young Software Developers Day 2024 Students show their semester projects

Around 170 students from the Bachelor’s degree programmes in Computer Science, Business Information Systems, Computer and Communication Systems Engineering and Mathematics at Technische Universität Braunschweig will be presenting at the “Tag der jungen Softwareentwickler“ (Young Software Developers’ Day) on

Thursday, 11 July 2024, from 13:30 to 17:00 hrs
in the foyer of the Informatikzentrum,
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 38106 Braunschweig,

the results of this year’s software development internship. Pupils and technology enthusiasts are cordially invited to attend. A jury with experts from science, the student body, industry and the city will evaluate the projects and award prizes to the three best teams.


13.30 hrs Welcome by Dr. rer. nat. Arne Schmidt,
Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks, Algorithms Division

until 17:00 hrs Presentation of the projects by the students

approx. 17:00 hrs Award ceremony

Following the welcome at 13:30 hrs, media representatives are invited to take part in a tour. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Arne Schmidt by e-mail: arne.schmidt@tu-braunschweig.de.

Learning with ADHD, safe route planning and much more!

In this year’s software development internship, many students focused on using virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and machine learning in their projects: For example, a virtual environment was created for children with ADHD to help them learn. A team of students developed a construction simulation with limited resources that includes coastal protection and tourism. Another game focuses on mental health: mini-games become more difficult if the character is exposed to too much stress.

For cyclists, an app has been developed to help them choose the safest routes, which means that cars tend to keep a greater distance when overtaking on these roads. Those who prefer to walk can use another app to learn more about Braunschweig’s past in the form of a story, depending on the location.

The software development internship

During this year’s software development internship, around 170 students from eleven institutes worked on a total of 31 projects and learned how to develop complex software systems in a practice-oriented manner. They were accompanied by the respective institutes from planning to development to completion of the products. After an intensive phase of developing, programming and testing, the young software developers are eager to present their finished products to the public.