Senate and University Council elect Professor Angela Ittel as President of TU Braunschweig The psychologist and experienced science manager has been Vice-President of the TU Berlin for Strategic Development, Junior Scholars and Teacher Education
The Senate of the Technische Universität Braunschweig unanimously elected Professor Angela Ittel as President of the University in its special plenary session today, 10 March 2021. Immediately afterwards the University Council issued its supporting statement of the Senate’s decision. The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture will appoint Angela Ittel as president after approving the Senate’s proposal.

Professorin Angela Ittel is elected as President of TU Braunschweig. Picture Credits: Sascha Gramann/TU Braunschweig.
Professor Angela Ittel succeeds Professor Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla as president. Since Kaysser-Pyzalla left at the end of her retirement on 30 September 2020, Professor Katja Koch, Vice-President for Teacher Education and Knowledge Transfer, has held the office in an interim position.
“I am honored and happy of the confidence that the Senate and the University Council of TU Braunschweig have placed in me. I am very much looking forward to being able to work in this enormously exciting environment as president of this remarkable and university with it’s rich tradition in an enormously exciting region,” Professor Ittel said after the election. “My goal is to set impulses that will further strengthen the university and let it shine on a regional, national and global level. Of course, this will be carried out together with all members and with the close involvement of the disciplines and also the partners.”
Professor Lothar Hagebölling, Chairman of the University Council, and Acting President Professor Katja Koch congratulated the President-designate.

Professor Lothar Hagebölling, Professor Angela Ittel and Professor Katja Koch. Picture Credits: „Sascha Gramann/TU Braunschweig“.
“We were looking for a proven science manager who will continue the excellence process of our Carolo – Wilhelmina powerfully and consistently,” says Professor Lothar Hagebölling. “Professor Ittel has demonstrated precisely these skills as Vice President at TU Berlin. She has many years of leadership experience, the ability to act strategically and strong communication skills.Ms Ittel’s will and she will be an enrichment for our research region. Ms Ittel will be committed to our objectives and will be an enrichment for our research region. I am sure that she will be welcomed with open arms in Braunschweig.”
Personal details:
Professor Dr. Angela Ittel has acted as full-time Vice President of Technische Universität Berlin since 2014 and was initially responsible for the departments of International Affairs and Teacher Education. Since 2018, she has been responsible for the areas of Strategic Development, Junior Scholars and Teacher Education. Among other activities, she was responsible for the successful application and work as a member of the executive board of the Berlin University Alliance (the association of Berlin universities) in the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. She is also a proven expert on collaborative research, young academics, diversity and equality. The psychologist holds a chair in educational psychology at the Institute of Educational Science at TU Berlin. Her research areas include career orientation and the development of young people’s interests, especially in STEM subjects. She has edited international journals and is active internationally as an ad-hoc reviewer.
She is a member of numerous internal and external university committees, including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, as a member of the board), the German Rectors’ Conference and the TU9 (as spokesperson “International Affairs”). At TU Berlin, she has led and successfully implemented several extensive strategy processes.
Further stations
- 2005 – 2007 Temporary Chair of Educational Psychology, Institute of Educational Science, Technical University of Berlin
- 2000 – 2008 Research Assistant, Department of Empirical Educational Science, Free University of Berlin
- 1999 – 2000 Research Assistant, Chair of Empirical Social Research and Socialisation Research, Technical University of Chemnitz
- 1999 – 2004 Training as a psychological psychotherapist, specialising in behavioural therapy, Berlin Academy for Psychotherapy (BAP)
- 1997 – 1999 Research assistant, Chair of Developmental Psychology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
- 1994 – 1997 Research Associate, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
- 1991 – 1997 Research Associate, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
- 1992 – 1996 Lecturer, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
- 1989 – 1991 Student assistant and head of a research group. Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
- 2005 Feie Universität Berlin, Venia Legendi for Psychology
- 1991 – 1997 University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Master of Sciences (M.S.) in Psychology - 1988 – 1991 Florida International University, Miami, USA, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology
- 1987 Abitur, Dreikönigsgymnasium, Cologne, Germany