First Diversity Day at TU Braunschweig For diversity, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination
With the first Diversity Day, Technische Universität Braunschweig will set an example for diversity and anti-discrimination on 14 July 2022. On the university square in the heart of the main campus, the rainbow flag will be hoisted and there will be discussions with experts on the topic of “first generation students at universities”. In addition, various projects and initiatives on the topic of diversity and anti-discrimination will introduce themselves.

The Progress Pride Flag has been flying on the university square at TU Braunschweig for a year now. Photo credit: Kristina Rottig/TU Braunschweig
Since 2018, the rainbow flag has been raised every year at TU Braunschweig as a sign of self-determination, openness and acceptance. “For a year now, the Progress Pride Flag has been hanging permanently on the university square, showing that Pride is more than just a month. We use it to create visibility for the fact that TU Braunschweig stands up for the rights of queer people and the dismantling of structural discrimination,” explains Anouk Almstedt, officer of the Diversity Office and organiser of the Diversity Day. “Our aim is to promote networking between all member groups of the university and the public in an open atmosphere. All visitors are cordially invited to inform themselves, exchange ideas and contribute their personal perspective on the topic of diversity!”
Professor Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig, adds: “Increasing and strengthening diversity has been a systematic part of our strategic university development since I took office. Full of conviction about the necessity of the topic of equal opportunities and diversity, we would like to assume our responsibility here as well as take on a pioneering role for other universities and employers.
Exchange ideas and get to know different perspectives
As part of the focus topic 2022 “First Generation Students”, an expert discussion will take place on Diversity Day that will address the question: “What can universities do to promote social diversity?” The speakers include Dr Isabell Lisberg-Haag, Katja Urbatsch and Maja Bogojević. Professor Angela Ittel will be the moderator.
At the same time, various initiatives and projects that are active in the field of diversity and anti-discrimination will introduce themselves on the university square. Among them: Erasmus Student Network Braunschweig e.V., schlau e.V., the Equal Opportunity Office and the International House of TU Braunschweig. The Diversity Day will end with music, food and drinks in the evening.
The programme at a glance
- 15:30 Uhr: Opening by President Prof. Angela Ittel
- 15:45 Uhr: Raising of the rainbow flag with representatives of the Autonome FrauenLesbenReferat (AFLR), the AStA Schwulenreferat (HUBS) and the LGBTIQ*@TU student network
- 16:00 – 17:30 Uhr: Expert discussion “Was können Hochschulen tun, um soziale Vielfalt zu fördern?“ (What can universities do to promote social diversity?)
- 17:45 Uhr: Take off with the trampoline snap (
- 15:30 – 18 Uhr: Diversity and anti-discrimination – projects and initiatives introduce themselves
- From 18 Uhr: Food, drinks and music