The Week at TU Braunschweig │21.02.2025 Our Newsletter for all Employees
Topics: Fair parking + AI in the judiciary + “Jugend forscht”
Redaktion: Hannah Kreß
► Fair parking for fair coexistence
Parking pressure is increasing around campus, especially in the central area. At the same time, parking violations are on the rise. Cars are parked on green spaces and access roads, and pedestrians and cyclists are forced to navigate around parked vehicles on footpaths and cycle paths. Fire lanes and disabled parking bays are also increasingly being used as parking spaces. In the future, parking offences will be punished more severely, as stipulated in the TU house rules. Despite the lack of parking spaces, other road users must not be obstructed or endangered. We are currently working on a new parking management concept for TU, which will be implemented in the near future.
► Artificial intelligence in the justice system
A new research network led by Prof Anne Paschke is investigating the use of large language models (LLM) in the justice system. The project “Technological Intelligence for the Transformation, Automation and User Orientation of the Judicial System (TITAN)”, which involves seven universities, is funded by the Daimler and Benz Foundation with 1.5 million euros.
► Tracking hurricanes
In a joint project, scientists from the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (LWI) and the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM) are investigating ways to optimise flood and reservoir management in Mexico. The research project is supported by seed funding from both universities.
► Rethinking Potsdam’s city centre
Under the guidance of Prof. Vanessa Miriam Carlow of the ISU Institute for Sustainable Urbanism, architecture students have developed visions and urban strategies for a vibrant neighbourhood as part of Potsdam’s city centre. The designs will be presented in an exhibition at the Soziokreativen (R)Zentrum in Potsdam from 24 February.
► Inaugural lecture
Prof. Andrea Schindler, Institute of German Studies, will hold her inaugural lecture “Kennen Sie Frederick? Über den Wert von Geschichten” on 26 February on the North Campus.
► Workshop: Dealing with Hate against Researchers
In order to provide researchers with practical support in dealing with hate and hostility, the BMBF is offering a two-hour digital workshop on this topic on 17 March at 10.00 a.m. as part of the funding guideline “Gender Aspects in Focus”, which will be conducted by experts from scicomm support. Registration and questions to:
► DFG-measures to maintain funding opportunities
As a result of inflation and cost increases, the DFG is taking further measures to stabilise expenditure. As a result, it will no longer be possible to accept proposals for the establishment of a Priority Programme beyond the 15 October deadline (background information).
► Recycling: Paper consumption in 2024 to be determined
Data on paper consumption at the TU in 2024 is currently being collected for the nationwide university competition “Papier Atlas”. All faculties, institutes and central facilities are invited to submit their data on paper consumption. The deadline for completing the three-minute survey is 7 March.
► Funding of teaching assignments on gender-related topics
Reminder: The Braunschweig Network for Gender and Diversity Studies (BZG) offers all TU institutes the opportunity to financially support teaching assignments. The first round of applications ends on 28 February. The prerequisite for funding is a clear focus on gender studies.
► Darling of the week
The regional “Jugend forscht” competition is just around the corner! TU will be there with lots of hands-on activities and workshops, as well as awarding two special prizes. A big thank you to all the staff who will be giving their all to get young researchers excited about science on this day! The event on 28 February is open to the public from 2 pm to 4 pm.
► Events
There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.