The Week at TU Braunschweig │25.03.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees
Topics: fishy builders + bronze DNA + sustainable batteries + digital teaching
Editor: Lisa Ryll
► Urgent request for support
The City of Braunschweig is asking for staff support, as it can no longer cope alone with the large number of refugees arriving and seeking protection from Ukraine. TU Braunschweig has promised to do its best to help. Volunteers are asked to contact Anne Fritz in the Personnel Department in coordination with their leader.
► Fish become constructors
Which paths do fish prefer on block ramps, i.e. near-natural structures in streams and rivers, when migrating upstream? This is what the Hydraulic Engineering and River Morphology Division of the Leichtweiß-Institut for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (LWI) is investigating in the “MigRamp” project.
► Ancient DNA from the Bronze Age
Using ancient DNA, a team of international scientists has rewritten the history of Orkney. One of the researchers was Dr. Katharina Dulias, who extracted and analysed the DNA from the human remains. She now works at the Institute for Geosystems and Bioindication and is investigating ancient DNA in lake sediments in the TransTiP project.
► Congratulations
… to Dr Johannes Büchner, Ellen Krahl and Gerrit Bremer! They are among this year’s winners of the Foundation of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Engineers. This means that three graduation theses – one dissertation and two bachelor theses – from Faculty 3 were awarded.
► meet the scientist: Battery made-in-Braunschweig
Gabriela Ventura Silva, Fabienne Huttner and Dr. Laura Jess present the battery research work of Battery LabFactory Braunschweig as part of the “meet the scientist” dialogue platform at Wolfsburg’s phaeno science museum on 27 March. They will use simple experiments to show how batteries work, how complex battery production is and what role recycling plays in sustainable production.
► Online conference “Genetics of Inflammation and Infection”
On April 4 and 5, the 2022 digital annual meeting of the Society for Genetics will be held. The Biosciences of TU Braunschweig are leading the organization and implementation of the event.
► What will the international digital teaching of tomorrow look like?
This is the topic of the DICE-Conference from 30 November to 2 December, organised by the ProDiGI project and funded by the Innovation in Higher Education Foundation. The call for panels is open until 1 May, submissions from all disciplines are welcome.
► Summer semester postdoc qualification programme
In the summer semester, the postdoc programme offers events on funding opportunities, science communication, project management and career planning, among other topics. Starting on 27 April, with a workshop on leadership, conflict management and communication.
► At the largest physics meeting in the world
Our metrology cluster QuantumFrontiers was at the APS March Meeting as part of the Quantum Alliance, the collaboration of clusters of excellence on quantum science. The constant flow of the participating 12,000 physicists learned why it is worthwhile to do quantum research in Germany.
► BCF Career Event
TU Braunschweig presents itself at BCF Career Event on 19 May in Utrecht, Netherlands. The event addresses interested graduates from life sciences and displays current job offers and funding opportunities.
► Darling of the week
Thanks to our darling of this week, there is a cloudless view not only of the Audimax, but also of the bright blue sky. The beautiful weather is currently providing us with plenty of sunshine and a lot of good spirits. The spring-like warm temperatures also invite you to take a lunch break outdoors and a stroll across the campus.