The Week at TU Braunschweig │06.08.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees
Topics: historical waste + nanosystems + coin diagrams + greenhouse + pallet banks
Editor: Laurenz Kötter
► Commitment to good scientific practice
Proactively educating, advising and setting an example: Professor Jochen Litterst reports from the practice of the Commission for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice, which he chaired for 12 years.
► A warm welcome…
We welcome Professor Franziska Neumann. She started as new junior professor of Early Modern History. In our interview, she talks about what makes waste exciting from a historical perspective and what can be learned from history for the Future City.
► Congratulation …
to Professor Stefanie Kroker. Since 2016, she has headed the junior research group “Metrology for Functional Nanosystems” as a junior professor. Now President Angela Ittel appointed the physicist as a university professor.
► A special kind of treasure
Our Picture of the Month for August, submitted by Professor Johannes Wienand, provides a fascinating glimpse into 2,600 years of monetary history. The screenshot from the website shows a huge pile of coins, carefully aligned along a timeline that stretches from the beginnings of coinage in the 7th century BC to the present day.
► Working in the greenhouse
Tabula rasa in the rooms of the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy of Architecture (IBEA). Using natural materials as well as recyclable and CO2-neutral building materials, the tenth floor of the architecture skyscraper on Mühlenpfordtstraße is to be converted, and a living lab emerges.
► Two gardens and much more
President Angela Ittel reports on her visit to the Faculty of Life Sciences in her new Spotlight.
► Darling of the Week: Please take a seat
Our darlings of the week are located on University Square: the new pallet benches invite students to study or take a break, and not just during exam periods. This time, our Erasmus Student Network (ESN) has carried out the corona-compliant construction. “Sandkasten” had called for the campus design. Anyone who wants to can join in the next building campaign on August 20.