15. October 2021 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │15.10.2021 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: old bridges + “fresh” parents + check-in + #Welcome + health + international teaching

Editor: Lisa Ryll

► How long does a tired bridge last?

Bridges, both steel and concrete, can fail due to aging. But how can you assess the condition of the material? Anzhi Wang is conducting research on this in the Research Training Group 2075 in the Core Research Area “Future City”. 

► Please check in

Lecture halls of TU Braunschweig will be opening in the winter semester with a digital check-in. Since 12 October, students can register their 3G status at check-in points in the Rebenring sports hall. Other locations will open on Monday.

► #WelcomeToTUBraunschweig

… is the slogan of the social media campaign that helps new students shorten the time until they start their studies in October, especially on Instagram. Here, tips for the loveliest places on campus and practical study tips are presented in entertaining videos, photos and quizzes. On 25 October, the central first-semester welcome ceremony will take place. There will also be a Welcome Reception for international students on 21 October. The emphasis is on our Instagram channel. It’s worth a look also for employees.

► Aircraft Designs for Environmentally Friendly Aviation

Junior research group leader Dr. Camli Badrya is conducting research on the optimization of flow physics on airfoils as part of the SE2A cluster of excellence. Her goal: solutions for lower fuel consumption.

► What do parents need

… to support the balance between family and career or studies, asked President Prof. Angela Ittel at the traditional welcome talk for “fresh” parents. The Family Office is pleased about the suggestions for their work. They previously sent all participants a baby bag with information, “to go catering”, TU lions and a TU duck.

► Dr. Stephan Krinke Becomes Honorary Professor

Dr. Stephan Krinke, Head of Sustainability Strategy and Decarbonization at Volkswagen AG, has been appointed Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The faculty honored his commitment as a lecturer for the lecture “Environmental and Sustainability Management in Industrial Application”.

► Horizon Europe Health Cluster

The national contact point “Health” organises an information event on the 15th of November regarding the short proposals in the two-stage Health-calls 2022

► Symposium International Teaching

On November 18 and 19, the Online Symposium International Teaching of the TU Braunschweig will take place. Various panels as well as a discussion round with President Angela Ittel and various guests from teaching, administration and student body offer impulses and opportunities for exchange.

► Workplace health support

As of now, employees of TU Braunschweig can sign up for workplace health support classes again. Indoor, outdoor, online and BreaktimeExpress formats are available.

► Darlings of the week

… are the many hard-working and creative organisers, such as the study programme coordinators and student representatives, who are helping the first-year students have a great start to their studies. Whether with information about studying or opportunities to get to know each other at a joint breakfast, a campus rally, a city tour or a virtual cocktail evening. Starting on Monday, they will welcome the first-year students at their orientation days and show them that studying at TU Braunschweig is a smart choice. Thank you all!