Archive - Archives: Magazine Here you will find all posts of the selected period in chronological order. 8. August 2019 From South Africa to Braunschweig Students from Stellenbosch University visit the Institute of Software Engineering and Automotive Informatics 30. July 2019 The man who made Firefox seven times faster made Humboldt Prize winner Professor Michael Franz at the Institute of Software Engineering and Automotive Informatics 26. July 2019 “SmartSpace” successful at innovation competition Ideas for future communication via the Internet of Things 12. July 2019 Visit from India Two Humboldt visiting professors at the Institute of Organic Chemistry 12. July 2019 The Bridge Professor Christian Kehrt researches and teaches at the interfaces of science, technology and society 4. July 2019 A direct hit into the blue The Tampere University is now a strategic partner of TU Braunschweig 6. June 2019 Fire brigade and TU Braunschweig test reconnaissance robots Faster information about injured people, glow nests or blocked ways 29. April 2019 Return to science Philipp Schwartz Initiative supports refugee researcher at TU Braunschweig 31. July 2018 3D printing with concrete: “Pushing the limits of kinematics” Robot-controlled production in unique facility 6. July 2018 Turbulent Research: Professor Anya Jones from the University of Maryland reinforces TU research project Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation 2. May 2018 The EU-funded ChipScope Project Gets Leading Companies on Board Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 16. April 2018 “Uncertainties in technical systems”: Interview with Prof. Ulrich Römer Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation 12. April 2018 “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization”: Interview with Prof. Ali Elham Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation 10. November 2017 Indonesian scientists visiting LENA Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 20. June 2017 “Energy Transition in Aviation”: Interview with Prof. Jens Friedrichs Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation 8. May 2017 Focus on research: “QuantumFrontiers” – Interview with Prof. Andreas Waag Focus on Research: At the Limit of Measurability 3. May 2017 Focus on Research: “Self-Aware Vehicles” A view on the Project “Controlling Concurrent Change” 3. May 2017 The Thrust of Tomorrow Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation 26. April 2017 Hydrogen as fuel Focus on Research: Energy Transition in Aviation «‹535455565758›