
We conduct cutting-edge research – in our core research areas of mobility, engineering for health, city of the future and nano-measurement technology and beyond! Learn more about projects, results and backgrounds.

1. October 2023

Picture of the Month: Miniscule copper chestnut animals From the Institute of Semiconductor Technology

28. September 2023

How to simulate cabin noise Noise research for new aircraft concepts with better acoustic properties

27. September 2023

AI in an inclusive working world Prof. Jochen Steil on the use of artificial intelligence for more participation in working life

26. September 2023

“I see so many answers in the building material clay” An interview with Joschua Gosslar on building with clay

25. September 2023

Between High-Tech and Nature Conservation Future City Goes Global: With Johanna Müller and Hendrik Jahns in Singapore

21. September 2023

First fundamentals for designer sugar TU researchers isolate individual sugar molecules

20. September 2023

“On Sundays, a traffic lane becomes a walking and cycling path” Future City Goes Global: In Rio de Janeiro with Tom Rothe

18. September 2023

“Focusing even more on relations with the industry” Interview with BLB Executive Board Member Prof. Thomas S. Spengler

14. September 2023

No stress for mussels and barnacles A visit to the construction site of the saltwater wave current flume

12. September 2023

Climate crisis up close A travel report from China

5. September 2023

“There is no silver bullet that will save the climate” Prof. Jens Friedrichs on research into sustainable aviation in the SE2A cluster

1. September 2023

Together for climate change adaptation Kick-off forum "Co-Adapted Braunschweig"

1. September 2023

Picture of the month: Plasmonic lenses From a collaboration in the LENA research centre

31. August 2023

Passionate about research—Computer science talents wanted Professor Marcus Magnor is the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Henriette Herz Scout

28. August 2023

Future aircraft configurations Dr.-Ing. Stanislav Karpuk heads a Junior Research Group in the Cluster of Excellence SE²A

16. August 2023

Between experiments and savings How the laboratories of TU Braunschweig were able to reduce energy consumption

16. August 2023

“New and old architectures merge here” Future City Goes Global: With Chantal Karadag in Groningen

15. August 2023

“Multidisciplinary research with great societal benefit”. Matthias Schiedel is Professor at the Institute of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

14. August 2023

The Fungi Connection: “All roads seem to lead to Braunschweig” How a graduate student’s venture into the world of forestry led to a connection that continues to grow