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International Entrepreneurship Summer School 2023 4. September 2023 - 8. September 2023 | 09:30 h - 18:00 h

The International Entrepreneurship Summer School (IESS) is an online program that is free of charge for qualified applicants. It is designed as a practical introduction to the world of Entrepreneurship and start-up culture.
The International Entrepreneurship Summer School 2023 will take place from 4th to 8th September with a kick-off event on August 27th.

-Expand and refine your own business idea or join others
-Collaborate with innovators from around the world and work together in virtual teams
-View video lectures on demand to boost your business knowledge
-Access live lectures and learn from experts and founders
-Receive individual advice from Start-up mentors and coaches
-Develop a business model and present it at the Final Pitch Event

Applications are open. Apply now and make sure not to miss your chance to participate.

The program is open to committed future founders. After the kick-off event, participants will form hybrid or fully virtual teams of international participants who can then work together on their business ideas. It is not necessary to have your own business idea. The Entrepreneurship Hub will also showcase selected cutting-edge technologies recently developed at TU Braunschweig and present participants with potential business ideas that you can work on.

Please find more information about the program and the registration here:

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