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Blockchain Chicken Farm 9. January 2023 | 18:00 h - 19:30 h

Xiaowei R. Wang is an artist, writer, organizer and coder. Their collaborative project FLOAT Beijing created air quality-sensing kites to challenge censorship and was an Index Design Awards finalist. Other projects have been featured by the New York Times, BBC, CNN, VICE and elsewhere. Their most recent work, The Future of Memory, a speculative digital media piece, was a recipient of the Mozilla Creative Media Award. They are the author of the book Blockchain Chicken Farm: And Other Stories of Tech In China’s Countryside (a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice) and one of the lead stewards of Logic School, an organizing community for tech workers.

Architecture is, in many ways, preoccupied with habitation. That is as true for the construction of the built environment as it is for the subtle social structures that collaboratively enable our sustenance and well-being. But now with ecological disasters and fragile geopolitics pushing people and the systems that sustain them to the limits, the question of what it means for the planet to be habitable takes center stage. Included in this is what ecological boundaries enable living systems to survive on the planet but also the social and political systems that make these boundaries equitable and worthwhile. This mini-lecture series will address these issues of habitability as they are emerging today in spatial practice.


Xiaowei R. Wang

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