TU Braunschweig at the GAIN 2024
The German Academic International Network (GAIN) hosted its annual conference in San Francisco at the end of August, where internationally mobile scientists from Germany were able to exchange ideas with numerous representatives of the German academic landscape, politics and industry.

TU President Prof Angela Ittel in dialogue with scientists at GAIN 2024. photo credits: Dominik Baumgarten/TU Braunschweig
TU Braunschweig took part with a workshop on the topic of “Female Career Advancement – from Equal Opportunities to Diversity in STEM”. “An important and permanently topical issue”, said TU President Prof Angela Ittel, “It is important to me to get into dialogue with young female researchers and to find out what expectations female returnees have of TU Braunschweig”.
In addition to the conference part, GAIN24 included a political panel discussion in which Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger and other members of the Bundestag discussed current research policy issues. The programme also included a science slam and a career fair.

TU President Prof Angela Ittel in conversation at the TU Braunschweig stand at GAIN 2024. photo credits: Dominik Baumgarten/TU Braunschweig
“The Talent Fair is a wonderful opportunity to explicitly present your own institution, its research opportunities and current job vacancies between workshops,” adds Dr Dominik Baumgarten from the Research Service, “I can also introduce interested applicants to their potential future boss.
The GAIN annual conference is an important building block in the areas of networking, recruitment and science diplomacy and will take place in Boston again next year.