Kick-off for German-Japanese research co-operation

Delegation from Keio University Tokyo visiting Braunschweig. Picture credits: CMOSDesign/TU Braunschweig
The visit of a delegation from Tokyo marks the beginning of a new chapter in the successful cooperation between TU Braunschweig and Keio University. Prof. Vadim Issakov from the Institute of CMOS Design and his Japanese colleague Prof. Hiroki Ishikuro have been working together for several years on projects in the field of quantum technology.
Some time ago, they succeeded in overcoming the challenge of making chips work at cryogenic temperatures and with the lowest possible power consumption. The long-standing collaboration between the chip experts has already resulted in numerous visiting researchers at the other university, various guest lectures and a lively exchange of expertise.
Now this successful collaboration is to be continued. As part of an ambitious and highly regarded Japanese scientific exchange programme (ASPIRE), the two teams are collaborating on the development of a quantum classical interface (QCI) through heterogeneous integration. The programme focuses on supporting young researchers who understand semiconductor and quantum technologies and can play an active role in the international arena. Based on this existing international collaboration between teams from Japan and Germany, international exchange can be further expanded, especially between different technology levels.
Participating Institutions:
Laboratory for Emerging Nanotechnology (LENA)