29. May 2024 | Note-Blog

IHK Technology Transfer Prize for AI-based collision avoidance

On 28 May, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) presented the 10,000 euro prize for the successful transfer of knowledge from research into practice. The winner was Sentics GmbH, which is working with TU Braunschweig to develop “KI unterstützte Echtzeit-Lokalisation von Objekten“ (AI-supported real-time localisation of objects) for industrial applications.

The winners of the IHK Technology Transfer Prize 2024: Dr.-Ing. Michael Demes, Robin Wieloch and Sebastian Bienia, Sentics GmbH with IHK Managing Director Dr. Florian Löbermann (left) and IHK Vice President Dr. Ralf Utermöhlen (right). Photo credit: Philipp Ziebart

This technology can increase safety and productivity in the workplace. A camera system detects and locates relevant objects such as forklifts, people, machinery and other objects, and makes this information available for a wide range of applications in a privacy-compliant manner. By analysing the location and movement profiles of people and vehicles in real time, critical situations can be detected early and accidents prevented through warnings and automatic speed reduction.

SORMAS Foundation gGmbH and PlasmaGreen GmbH were also among the three finalists. SORMAS, originally a research project of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), is working on software that will enable countries to digitally transmit information to all relevant authorities in real time during a pandemic. PlasmaGreen, together with TU Clausthal and Derichs GmbH, has developed a non-contact plasma process that enables inline roller cleaning.