20. April 2023 | Press releases:

Inaugural lectures by Prof. Dr. Svenja Vieluf, Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick and Prof. Dr. Julia Gerick What is good teaching? A research field in transformation
What is modern physical education? A subject didactics in transformation
What does digitalisation mean for schools? An organisation in transformation

“Same same but different? Educational science perspectives on school and teaching development” is the motto of the inaugural lecture jointly given by three professors from the Faculty of Humanities and Education at Technische Universität Braunschweig. Prof. Dr. Svenja Vieluf, Institute for Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick, Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy, and Prof. Dr. Julia Gerick, Institute for Educational Sciences, will look at school and teaching development from the perspective of their different disciplines on

Wednesday, 26 April 2023, at 16.00 hrs,
Aula, Pockelsstr. 11, Haus der Wissenschaft, 38106 Braunschweig.

Inaugural Lecture “Was ist guter Unterricht? Ein Forschungsfeld in Transformation (What is Good Teaching? A Field of Research in Transformation)
by Prof. Dr. Svenja Vieluf

How teaching can succeed in meeting the educational expectations that are publicly placed on it has long been a concern of practitioners and politicians, pupils and parents, but also of researchers. Prima facie, the question seems simple, but the empirical results are unsatisfactory so far. In the lecture, three reasons for this will be discussed in more detail and illustrated on the basis of the own research: (1) Teaching has multiple goals. (2) Teaching is a form of social interaction and as such is multi-layered and can only be controlled to a limited extent. (3) The same lesson has different qualities because not all pupils experience it in the same way. The predominantly quantitative empirical research on the quality of teaching has so far not been able to do justice to this complexity. In her lecture, Prof. Vieluf concludes that there are good reasons for a new orientation.

About the person
Svenja Vieluf studied Psychology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. From 2008 to 2013, she was a research associate at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, where she was involved in questionnaire development, data analysis and reporting for the two international large scale surveys OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). At the same time, she completed her doctorate at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main on the topic “Öğretmek or Enseñar? A Cross-National Study of Teacher’s Professional Competence and Teaching Quality”. Subsequently, she worked as a research associate at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education on the quality of teaching, pedagogical relationships, the processing and production of difference in schools and school-cultural designs for dealing with migration-related diversity. Since April 2022, she teaches and researches as a Professor of School Education with a focus on classroom research at TU Braunschweig.

Inaugural Lecture “Was ist moderner Sportunterricht? Eine Fachdidaktik in Transformation” (What is Modern Physical Education? A Subject Didactics in Transformation)
by Prof. Dr. Esther Serwe-Pandrick

Esther Serwe-Pandrick’s research focuses on the teaching and learning of sport as a school subject. With her theoretical and empirical findings, she is committed to the development of subject didactics and the pedagogical professionalisation of physical education teacher training. In her inaugural lecture, she will address the discourse on modern physical education and, as an example, highlight the area of tension between motor and cognitive activation. Traditional legitimations of the subject, ranging from movement education and health promotion to personality development and cultural appropriation, meet with more recent developments and goals of educational work in schools. School sport also has to deal with this emphasis on reflexivity in order to explore the possibilities and limits of subject didactic teaching development.

About the person
Esther Serwe-Pandrick studied the Teacher Training Course in Sports Science, Educational Sciences, German Studies and Mathematics at TU Dortmund University. After completing her studies, she worked as a research associate and later as a temporary academic councillor at the Chair of Physical Education at TU Dortmund University. After her doctorate in 2009 (scl), which dealt with school development processes and their consequences for the didactics of sport, she focused her empirical research increasingly on questions of teaching development and the quality of teaching-learning processes in school sport. In this context, a particular focus of her studies is on the exploration and implementation of reflection practices in physical education in different educational programmes. Since February 2019, she is Professor of Sports Science with a focus on movement pedagogy at TU Braunschweig, teaching and researching centrally in the fields of sports didactics and managing the Institute of Sport Science and Movement Pedagogy.

Inaugural lecture “Was bedeutet Digitalisierung für Schulen? Eine Organisation in Transformation” (What Does Digitalisation Mean for Schools? An Organisation in Transformation)
by Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Julia Gerick

Digitalisation offers schools diverse opportunities, but also presents them as organisations with challenges at various levels and opens up important starting points for digitalisation-related school development processes. In her inaugural lecture, she looks at these using selected empirical highlights and concludes by outlining some perspectives and implications for an organisation in transformation.

About the person
Julia Gerick studied Educational Sciences (Diplom) at TU Dortmund University and then worked as a research associate at the University of Hamburg. In 2013, she completed her doctorate on the topic of school leadership and teacher health. From 2012 to 2016, she was national project leader of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS 2013) at the Institute for School Development Research at TU Dortmund University. After a four-year junior professorship at the University of Hamburg, Julia Gerick holds the Professorship for School Pedagogy with a focus on school development research at TU Braunschweig since April 2020. Her work and research focuses on school development research, school quality, school and teaching in times of digital transformation, school leadership and teacher health. She is a member of the national consortium of the third cycle of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS 2023).