16. May 2024 | Press releases:

University Information Day on 24 May Well informed for your study decision

Technische Universität Braunschweig opens its doors and invites prospective students to the University Information Day. On 24 May from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., prospective students will receive a wealth of information on how to choose a course of study and find out which degree programmes are offered at TU Braunschweig. Register now or just come along!

At the University Information Day, all degree programmes will be presented in the form of course portraits, and information will be provided on the requirements, content, course of study and career prospects. A variety of taster lectures will give prospective students a taste of what teaching is like. Presentations on all aspects of studying will provide information on financing options, finding accommodation, studying abroad and choosing the right course.

In the Studi-Talk Live! format, prospective students can talk to current students and find out about student life. Various student initiatives will provide an insight into the vibrant campus life at TU Braunschweig. Prospective students can also explore the main campus on guided tours.

Exciting special events

Meet the Faculty and Meet the TU are two new additions to the programme this year. At Meet the TU, prospective students can get to know and ask questions about the counselling and service facilities at TU Braunschweig, including the Central Student Counselling Office, the International House, the Transfer Service and University Sports.

At Meet the Faculty, the six faculties will introduce themselves and their programmes, providing information on requirements, content, course of study and career prospects. Hands-on activities and experiments are also planned. For example, prospective students can use maths and a computer to control a robot, build a Leonardo da Vinci bridge, generate waves using a miniature wave channel, build an XXL Jenga tower together and explore the world of atoms with Lego. The Institute of Music and Education offers special workshops where participants can learn how baroque music can enrich primary school lessons or how to produce their own pop song. There are also exciting guided tours of the Institute of Food Chemistry.

Further information

The full programme, preparation tips for prospective students, information for accompanying teachers and more can be found on the website www.tu-braunschweig.de/hit. Interested parties can also register for the HIT and put together their own individual programme according to their areas of interest. Participation is also possible spontaneously and without registration.

Registration starts on 1 June

The event is a good opportunity for high school graduates to get a taste of campus life and gain an insight into studying before the application phase for the winter semester 204/25 begins on 1 June.