13. September 2024 | Press releases:

Fly High – a great show of Art and Science TU Braunschweig invites you to a film evening on 26 September

Together with the Cluster of Excellence SE2A – Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation and the Braunschweig International Film Festival, the Science and Art Lab of TU Braunschweig invites you to an evening of films and discussions on Thursday, 26 September. Under the motto ‘Fly High’, the audience can look forward to a specially curated programme of short films and a panel discussion on current perspectives on flying.

With the Science and Art Lab, founded in 2024, TU Braunschweig promotes the exchange between art, science and society. Various formats such as lectures, exhibitions and screenings provide access to current research topics. As its first public event, the Science and Art Lab will present an evening of short films under the motto ‘Fly High’ on 26 September, together with the SE2A Cluster of Excellence – Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation and the Braunschweig International Film Festival.

‘The film event is a great opportunity for everyone in Braunschweig to take a look at their northernmost district. For many years, world-renowned research into the further development of aviation and mobility has been taking place here around the research airport, and we are delighted to be able to present the results of our Cluster of Excellence, one of the largest research associations at TU Braunschweig, for the first time in our image film,’ says Dr Doris Pester, Managing Director of SE²A. ‘The two-hour film event also offers a unique and uncomplicated opportunity to get a taste of research, to meet the researchers over refreshments or simply to be surprised by an extraordinary film programme. We are all very excited.’

‘Film is not me seeing, film is me flying’.

Inspired by this statement by the philosopher Paul Virilio, the Science and Art Lab, together with the Braunschweig International Film Festival, has curated a diverse programme of short films to be shown in the test hall of the Institute of Aircraft Construction and Lightweight Design (IFL) at the research airport, which is otherwise not open to the public.

‘We are looking forward to the first public event of the Science and Art Lab and to an inspiring evening in this unusual location. The IFL test hangar, which will be transformed into a cinema for the occasion, will provide an attractive backdrop for our audience from the arts, sciences and the city to reflect on the connections between flying and film. In view of the film programme, which opens up a broad panorama from silent films to early attempts at flight, from poetic reflections on condensation trails to visionary concepts of teleportation, humorous as well as critical, but in any case inspiring perspectives can emerge,’ enthuse Henrike Wenzel and Dr. Jule Hillgärtner, who jointly head the Science & Art Lab.

The evening will begin with a keynote speech by Prof. Jens Friedrichs on the future of flight and the premiere of the SE²A image film. The panel discussion will focus on the future of flight and the ecological, sociological and ethical issues it raises, before the Cluster of Excellence takes guests on a tour of the institute to showcase its latest research findings. This will be followed by two film programmes of around 40 minutes each, combining historical film footage with contemporary experimental video works.

About the Science and Art Lab

The Science and Art Lab brings together cutting-edge research and art in its various forms of expression and media and puts them in dialogue with each other. The aim is to enable different approaches to research questions and an exchange between science, art and society. The pilot phase of the Science and Art Lab is supported by the Stiftung Niedersachsen, the Braunschweigische Stiftung and the Stiftung Braunschweigischer Kulturbesitz.

‘Fly High’ event

Thursday, 26 September, 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Test hangar of the Institute of Aircraft Design and Lightweight Construction (IFL)
Hermann-Blenk-Straße 31, 38108 Braunschweig

Free tickets can be booked here (limited places) via eventbrite.de.

More information about the event

Free shuttle service: departure at 4:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. from the Haus der Wissenschaft, Pockelsstraße 11, 38106 Braunschweig (limited seats).
Food and drinks will be sold on site.