12. July 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │12.07.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Architecture Biennale with TU + Visions for the campus + RundUMgang

Editor: Hannah Kreß

Together into the future

The University Development Days at the TU Braunschweig took place for the third time in June as part of the University Development 2030 program. Around 100 participants discussed current topics related to further development, with a focus on current strategic processes, questions of profile development and the idea of developing a scientific ecosystem.

Summer exchange of professors

At the invitation of the President and with the support of the Braunschweig University Association, the professors came together for a reception in the foyer of the Audimax in summery weather. The informal get-together at the end of the summer semester was an opportunity to exchange ideas across subject and faculty boundaries.

Venice Architecture Biennale with Team Stresstest

Professor Elisabeth Endres and Professor Gabriele Kiefer have been selected as curators for the German Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2025. They are part of the Stress Test Team, whose exhibition concept focuses on the effects of increasing heat caused by climate change on our living environment. 

New degree programmes and final spurt of applications

Until 15 July, prospective students can apply to TU Braunschweig for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme with restricted admission with just a few clicks. Three new degree programmes will be launched in the winter semester: the two admission-free Bachelor’s degree programmes in Battery and Hydrogen Technology and Mathematics for Computational Science as well as the English-language Master’s degree programme in Artificial Intelligence for Molecular Sciences.

 At this year’s Deep Learning Lab

…30 students worked in small teams to optimise image recognition methods in urban areas, which are important for the development of autonomous vehicles, for example. With impressive results, three winning teams and an environmental prize.

“Architektur-Rundgang” with guided tours

Under the title “RundUMgang”, the architecture institutes are opening their doors until 13 July for the annual exhibition of the architecture students. On Friday there will be the traditional “Rundgang” and on Saturday many institutes will be open to architecture enthusiasts. Guided tours by students start at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00 on Universitätsplatz.

Visions for the campus of the future

Over the past few semesters, architecture students at the Institute of Landscape Architecture have visualised their visions for the campus of the future. Their ideas are now on display on 80 banners in 34 locations around the university. What do you think of these visions? Which places should be changed? You can like and comment on the Institute’s Instagram channel.

Secure against quantum computer attacks

A team of authors led by TU Professor Eduard Jorswieck has won an IEEE ICC Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Communications for their paper on encryption in fibre optic communications. 

PhD student wins Young Investigator Award

PhD student Svenja Stomberg from the Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacy was honoured with the Young Investigator Award at the international cGMP Conference 2024 in Lübeck. She received the award for her presentation on her data on the discovery of isoform-specific activators of soluble guanylate cyclase. Congratulations to her!

►  From research to a marketable business model

In the Technology Business Model Creation seminar, student teams developed business models for innovative TU research projects. At the final event on 4 July, a jury awarded prizes to three teams for their outstanding business models.

Studying music with the Bach Buddy

As part of the MuKKi project, master’s students from the Institutes of Business Information Systems and Music and Music Education have developed a Study Buddy based on artificial intelligence. The learning companion supports the learning of musical skills.

Sustainable mobility and sustainability in studying and teaching

What measures can be taken to make mobility more sustainable? How can sustainability skills be more firmly anchored in teaching and study programmes? In order to jointly develop measures for the recently adopted sustainability strategy, workshops on these two topics will be held on 23 and 25 July. Workshops on other topics will follow in August and September. 

►  Panel discussion Privatisation of Water

As part of the Light Parcours, the Institute for Architecture-Related Art (IAK) is hosting a panel discussion on the pressing issue of global water scarcity at the BDA Torhaus on 18 July. The IAK’s project No Trespassing on show at the Light Parcours, deals with the privatisation of water. 

Application for DLR_Uni_Summer_School

The DLR_Uni_Summer_School is a unique event organised by the aeronautical universities and the DLR throughout Germany: the participants put their theoretical knowledge to the test in research flights and in the simulator. Applications for the event, which takes place from 9 to 13 September in Braunschweig, are still being accepted until 17 July.

USA-Day of the BMBF

The event on 10 and 11 October is intended to connect scientists working in Germany with research contacts to the USA, provide information on funding opportunities and give suggestions for future cooperation with the USA. As the number of participants is limited, we recommend registering as early as possible.

► Darling of the week

… is once again football. The German national team had already been eliminated when the TU Orchestra thrilled more than just football fans last weekend with its three fantastic football concerts. On Sunday, football fans can once again celebrate peacefully together at the public viewing of the final match in the Grotrian courtyard. Our international students in particular have requested this, as the three organisers Laudris, Bruno and Felix from the sports department report. A nice break in the beginning exam period!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.