30. August 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │30.08.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Scaled flight test + Sensor for plant health + Tinkering for aerospace

Editor: Hannah Kreß

 ► SE²A: Scaled medium-haul aircraft successfully took off

In Peine, scientists were able to demonstrate the first scaled aircraft model from TU Braunschweig. The model, with a wingspan of three metres, combines various technologies to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The test aircraft was developed in the CLIME project of the SE²A Cluster of Excellence.

Helicopter test flights with HELiPOD in Braunschweig

The activity of plants can be observed using fluorescence. This also allows conclusions to be drawn about the health of plants. A new sensor for measuring fluorescence is currently being tested in flight operations in order to validate ESA satellite data at a later stage. A helicopter-towed probe from TU Braunschweig is being used for this purpose, which, together with DLR, is collecting data on test flights.

Research agreement on regional transport model

How must mobility services be planned when, for example, residential and business locations change? In order to be able to run through such scenarios, the Greater Braunschweig Regional Association has commissioned the development of a regional transport model. The Institute of Transport and Urban Planning will now be involved in the project, but will also be able to use the model for teaching and research purposes. 

Under the microscope: circular battery production in the EU

The EU Battery Regulation, which came into force in 2023, aims to establish circular battery production and, among other things, sets minimum targets for recycling. Against the background of dynamic market situations, TU scientists have investigated the effects on material flows and the environment.

60th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry

The 60th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry will take place in the Audimax from 2 to 6 September under the motto “Next-Generation Theoretical Chemistry”. It is the oldest and, with almost 400 participants, one of the world’s largest conferences in this field. We spoke to Jonny Proppe and Christoph Jacob about the event.

Event on experiences of discrimination in the public sector

On 10 September, there will be a discussion and workshop in the auditorium of the Haus der Wissenschaft on experiences of discrimination in the public sector and possible ways to intervene. For further information and registration please contact Nora Höft.

Extended Reality in Education – Invitation to the kick-off workshop

The kick-off workshop of the project InterXR on Extended Realities will take place on 11 September. Interested parties from all faculties are invited to join the exchange on the topic and advance the potential at our university. Please register in advance. There is also the opportunity to take part in a questionnaire on the use of XR at our university.

► From the Lecture Hall to Space

The student initiative ERIG e.V. offers students and lecturers at the TU the opportunity to build rockets, develop small satellites, construct rover demonstrators for the exploration of foreign planets and thus get to the bottom of the fascination of space travel. An inside look at ERIG’s bunker-like facilities at the Institute of Space Systems. 

This & that – Gathering

From 12 to 14 September, the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture and the City is organising a gathering with many international guests on topics such as climate and politics, architecture and ethics, science and activism, networks and futures, models and utopias. As part of the meeting, there will be a series of public events to which interested parties are cordially invited.

TU-Workshop at the Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany

The TU Postdoc Programme is once again taking part in the nationwide Postdoc Appreciation Week from 16 to 20 September. This time with its own online workshop Enhancing your digital visibility: Using algorithms for scientists in social networks.  Registration is possible via e-mail.

Darling of the week…

… is the Braunschweig biotech team that won the 99€ bioreactor competition at the TU Dresden. The competition, organised by Netzwerk Bioverfahrenstechnik Dresden e.V., involves developing and building a laboratory bioreactor for a biotechnological task on a shoestring budget, and competing in the cultivation competition. The six-member team from TU won against six other biotech teams. Congratulations!

►TU Summer Edition – Guess what!

Question: According to Scorpus, how many scientific publications with at least one author affiliation TU Braunschweig were published between 2019 and 2023? The answer will be in the next edition of the Week

a)    9 346          b)   5 522          c)    7 878

► Guess what! – Resolution from 23 August

Answer c) is correct. In 2023, the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß Faculty was the faculty with the second highest number of students with 2 873 students. Only the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering had more students with 3 263 enrolments. The Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences followed in third place, while the Faculty of Humanities and Education enrolled the most first-year students.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.