26. April 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │26.04.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  International architectural lighthouse + Venus’ veil lifted + Who knows that?

Editor: Hannah Kreß

► WOW! European Architecture Prize for the Student House

The shower of awards continues. After winning almost all of the national prizes, the Student House continues internationally with the highest European architecture prize. Yesterday evening it was announced in Brussels that our Student House has been awarded the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe. The award ceremony will take place on 14 May in Barcelona. Congratulations!

► Talks with members of the Bundestag

In several discussions with members of the Bundestag, President Angela Ittel and Vice President Arno Kwade pointed out the alarming state of the building infrastructure at the university and the risks of drastic cuts in funding for battery research and emphasised the urgency of political solutions for both issues, which are currently of great concern to our university.  

► BepiColombo lifts the veil of Venus

Our neighbouring planet Venus loses oxygen and carbon into space. These findings about the atmosphere of Venus were made possible by the data collected during the flyby of the BepiColombo space probe. An international team of scientists, including the two TU institutes of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics as well as Data Technology and Communication Networks, has now published these findings.

► A rare phenomenon of nature

The most common and conspicuous butterfly species from the Amazon region has evolved through hybridisation. This has been proven by a group of international scientists, including Prof. Stefan Schulz from the Institute of Organic Chemistry.

Almost like the North Sea

Next Monday, the Saltwater Wave-Current Flume in the experimental hall of the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources will be put into operation. In our video, Prof. Nils Goseberg gives a first insight into the channel and the research being done.

► International award for Professor Michael P. Wistuba

Last year, Prof. Michael P. Wistuba, Head of the Institute of Road Engineering, was appointed RILEM Fellow. He has now received the award from RILEM President Prof Nicolas Roussel in Milan. This honours his international contributions to materials research and global cooperation in this field.

► The Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching are taking shape!

Students, teaching staff and employees are invited to actively participate in the next development phase of the Guiding Principles for Learning and Teaching at TU Braunschweig! On 6 May, you can contribute your own priorities and emphases to the current draft of the guiding principles in a digital workshop with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

► Strengthen professional personnel selection – minimise the influence of unconscious bias

What influence do conscious and unconscious thought mechanisms have on our decisions and how can we improve them? Prof. Martin Korte from the Department of Cellular Neurobiology at the Institute of Zoology will address these questions in his lecture  “Don’t believe everything you think – About thinking errors that sometimes stand in the way of sensible decisions” on Friday, 17 May at 11:00 a.m. in the Architecture Pavilion. Registration is possible via Stud.IP.

► Event: Circular thinking and joint action

As part of the regional competence centre for work research KREIS “Circular Economy menschengerecht gestalten”, a public transfer event will take place at the NFF on 30 May. Under the motto “SONKREIS – Think circularly, act together”, the programme includes impulses from science and practice as well as the opportunity to transfer and exchange findings and ideas.

► Drops of water in a vacuum – who knows that?

What happens when a drop of water on a hotplate at over 200° C is placed in a vacuum? This question was answered on 22 April in the ARD programme  “Wer weiß denn sowas?” (Who knows that?) with the support of the TU Institute of Thermodynamics. If you want to find out for yourself, you can watch the programme in the ARD media library from minute 16:25. 

IT-Security Awareness Days 2024

Raising awareness of IT security is the aim of the IT Security Awareness Days 2024, a series of online events from 6 to 17 May. The lecture topics range from  “Security in the home office” to  “Social engineering” and are mostly aimed at users with no prior knowledge. However, technical presentations are also included. You can also find the individual events in our event calendar.

► Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme: Two open calls

Tandems consisting of either postdoctoral researchers or doctoral researchers from higher education institutions in both regions are invited to submit project proposals. If you have any questions, you can join an online information event on 30 April or 15 May.

►  Horizon Europe, Workprogramm 2025: Co-design through feedback

Until 6 May, there will be an opportunity to provide feedback to the development of the calls and topics for 2025 by filling the different surveys. 

► Darling of the week

Our darling for all those who like to stroll around, rummage and find bargains: A new edition of the AStA campus flea market is taking place this afternoon from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm at the Grotrian. In addition to flea market items, there will be coffee, waffles, music and a chance to chat.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.