20. September 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │20.09.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Measuring for coastal protection + inductive, fast and autonomous charging + a fantastic cinema

Editor: Hannah Kreß

Partial evacuation of the institute building at Lange Kamp 8

Protecting the health of our employees is a top priority for the management of TU Braunschweig. For this reason, the upper floors of the institute building have been cleared floor by floor since 16 September. The approximately 130 employees affected by this have already been given alternative workplaces or have switched to mobile working. With this decision, TU Braunschweig is reacting at an early stage to an expected order from the Braunschweig State Trade Supervisory Office to ban employment.

► Electromobility: wireless charging in everyday life

The final presentation of the LISA4CL research project took place at the NFF on 19 September. Researchers set up a stationary inductive charging system here for testing, which is used by TU Braunschweig’s facility management. Among other things, inductive charging offers a convenient charging experience, increased safety, automation options and low maintenance.

Natural coastal protection against rising sea levels

Scientists from the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources are investigating the effectiveness and optimisation of fender fields, coastal protection systems consisting of wooden piles filled with a network of branches, as part of the “VeMoLahn” project. To this end, they have erected a measuring tower in the Wadden Sea off the island of Pellworm, which permanently measures the movement and direction of the waves without contact.

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: Basic urban planning concept

The result of the experimental planning format – the CO_WETTBEWERB – is the basic urban planning concept for the North Campus area. The design by NUWELA, an office for urban planning and landscape architecture with Studio Sebastian Klawiter from Munich, convinced the committee. The planning team also includes five students

When the wooden facade catches fire

The 38th edition of the Braunschweig Fire Protection Conference on 25 and 26 September will focus on current issues in fire protection in timber construction and the major fire at a chemical plant in Braunschweig. The conference, which is expected to attract around 600 fire protection engineers, is organised by the Institute of Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Safety.

Extended reality in education

How the potential of Extended Reality (XR) can be used in education and what the challenges are, is being explored by scientists from all faculties in the INTERXR project. The project recently held its kick-off workshop.

Digital Concrete Conference: AMC scientists honoured

Niklas Freund and Robin Dörrie were awarded the Best Presentation Award and the Best Paper Award at the Digital Concrete Conference in Munich for their contributions to 3D printing in construction. Both are PhD students in the Collaborative Research Centre “Additive Manufacturing in Construction” (AMC). Congratulations! 

DLR_Uni_Summer_School: Promoting young talent with flight tests and simulator flights

This year’s summer school took place in Braunschweig from 9 to 13 September. Students from all over Germany had the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of flight test engineers. The event is organised by the Institute of Flight Guidance (IFF) at TU Braunschweig and DLR.

Three TU employees travelled to Finland

At the beginning of September, three TU Braunschweig staff members participated in an Erasmus+ Staff Exchange at Tampere University in Finland. In our magazine, they share their experiences and impressions.

DFG workshop: Research Data Collaborations between Science and Industry

Both existing collaborations between scientists and commercial companies and individuals interested in research data collaborations are invited to express their interest in the workshop, to be held in Berlin on 20 February 2025, and to submit their proposals by 6 December. 

Online introductory event on the use of the AI Toolbox

To support staff in using the new AI Toolbox, the Media Lab, in cooperation with the Central Personnel Development Department, is once again offering the introductory event “The AI Toolbox – what is it, how does it work and what can I do with it” on 26 September at 10am. 

TU Braunschweig at the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

As part of the joint project Co³Learn (Projekthaus), new articles have been published at HFD, including an interview with Theresa Niemann from TU Braunschweig about the use of Infinity Maps. There is also a virtual exchange forum: The HFD hangout on 16 October will focus on digital text literacy and social reading (registration).

Series of lectures: Feminism and its enemies

What is antifeminism? How does it shape our society and what can we do about it? This is the subject of the series of lectures: “Feminism and its enemies – how antifeminists want to turn back time”. It starts on Tuesday, 24 September, at 7 p.m. in the Haus der Kulturen with a lecture by Andreas Kemper on the “Discourse”. 

Silver Diplomas for the TU Braunschweig Choir

Congratulations to the TU Braunschweig Choir! At the 2nd International Choir Festival in Magdeburg the choir, conducted by Johannes Höing, was awarded Silver Diplomas in two categories.

On our own behalf: Volo Prize for TU Braunschweig again

We are very proud that the Communication and Press Service has been awarded the prize for exemplary training of “Volontäre” (trainees) by the Federal Association of University Communication for the sixth time in a row. We are one of 9 universities to receive the award this year.

Final spurt in city cycling

At this year’s City Cycling, it remains exciting until the last day, Saturday, 21 September. The team from the Technische Universität Braunschweig started as the defending champion with the most kilometres covered. With currently 58,360 kilometres cycled, it is in second place, just 300 kilometres behind the leader. Register now and get pedalling.

Our Darling of the week

… is a great cinematic experience of art and science. Under the motto “Fly High”, a curated short film programme and a panel discussion on current perspectives on flying await the audience in the experimental hall of the Institute of Aircraft Construction and Lightweight Design on 26 September. The event is presented by Science and Art together with the Cluster of Excellence SE2A – Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation and the cooperation partner Braunschweig International Film Festival. Registration and shuttle service from the central campus to the research airport are free of charge! More information about the Science and Art Lab and the next projects.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.