18. March 2022 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │18.03.2022 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Emergency Fund + Microorganisms in Lake Constance + Welcome Week + Start of season in the Reallabor

Editor: Mark Winter

► Support for refugees from Ukraine

The TU started a peer support program and, together with the Braunschweigische Hochschulbund e.V. (BHB), the TU launched an emergency fund at short notice. Both initiatives aim at students and researchers who have fled from Ukraine. If you would like to support the programme with donations or as a peer supporter, you can find more information here.

► Research cooperation with Kiev

Just a few weeks ago, our University started a research cooperation with Ukraine’s leading technical university, located in the middle of Kiev, which is now under siege. Despite the war, both universities are holding on to the cooperation. No less than four students are to be accommodated at Professor Vadim Issakov’s Institute for CMOS Design.

► Microorganisms against ammonium

A new globally distributed species of archaea converts tonnes of ammonium in Lake Constance. The microorganisms thus contribute to the safety of the drinking water supply for over five million people. Scientists from Braunschweig, Bremen and Konstanz were able to prove this in a recently published study.

► In focus: Future Urban Coastlines

The Junior Research Group “Future Urban Coastlines” is developing alternative approaches to climate change adaptation with a focus on building “with” nature rather than against it. The team is combining the expertise of coastal engineers, ecologists and digital designers. In the newsletter of the Junior Research Groups, the scientists introduce themselves.

► An invitation to join the Tsa Tsa ritual

In the third part of her Tibet logbook, Siran Liang from the Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication reports on a ritual for a deceased person in which the family has to make 1,000 gold-plated votive tablets out of clay. The PhD student made 50 of them during her visit there.

► Welcome, International Students!

The Welcome Week for international first-semester students begins on 11 April. To mark the start of their studies, the International House as well as student initiatives, projects from the faculties and other TU institutions are offering a colourful programme and many opportunities to get to know the most important services and contact persons.

► Carolo-Cup@Home – The winners have been determined

The Carolo@Home-Cup 2022 ended yesterday with a final live stream. In the Carolo Master Cup, Team KITcar from Karlsruhe successfully defended its title. This year, the Carolo-Basic-Cup went to RWTH Aachen University – where Team GalaXIs beat the competition. Congratulations!

► Start of the season at the Reallabor Hagenmarkt

With the start of the warmer season, the Reallabor Hagenmarkt also awakens from its winter sleep. It starts with an open raised bed workshop on 19 March. Anyone interested can register free of charge by e-mail.

► Poster Marketplace in the Core Research Area Infection & Therapeutics

The research focus Infection and Therapeutics offers an information event on 23 March about the “Poster Marketplace” in July. Please register in advance by e-mail.

► Be part of it now

The second call for applications of the ProDiGI funding line to support digital international teaching is open. Interested lecturers have until 15 May to submit their applications. A virtual information event will take place on 30 March.

► German Research Foundation (DFG) – Research Data in Funding Proposals

The DFG has specified the requirements for handling research data in funding proposals and updated the project proposal preparation instructions accordingly.

► Darling of the week

From Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., our darling of this week is on duty: the new chat information service of the University Library. Here our colleagues answer questions directly and uncomplicatedly, from A like Access to Z like Zotero. Currently, the tool is in the pilot phase, feedback is explicitly welcome!