16. September 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │13.09.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  East Coast Fever + entrepreneurial spirit + Highlights of Physics

Editor: Hannah Kreß

Learning the entrepreneurial spirit

TU Braunschweig is developing special teaching formats for vocational schools to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset of students by providing them with the necessary knowledge and motivation to start a business. Matthias Wunderling-Weilbier, State Secretary at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, handed over a grant of almost €460,000 to TU President Angela Ittel and Prof. Reza Asghari, Head of the Entrepreneurship Hub. 

► Buildings as key players in the combat of high consequence infectious diseases

The Institute of Structural Design, Industrial and Healthcare Engineering (IKE) is working with partners in Rwanda to build a so-called High-level Isolation Unit (HLIU) with a training centre for the treatment of high-risk infectious diseases.

► Global thinking, local acting

As part of Electrochemistry 2024, more than 500 researchers and experts from the field of electrochemistry are expected at TU Braunschweig on 16 September. Under the motto ‘Global Thinking Local Acting’, they will discuss the latest findings and trends in the field of electrochemistry. We spoke to Prof Mehtap Özaslan about the conference and the latest trends in her field.

►Lise Meitner Lectures with astrophysicist Prof. Lisa Kaltenegger

On 19 September, Lisa Kaltenegger will be a guest at TU Braunschweig. She is one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of the search for habitable or inhabited planets outside our solar system. The lecture series honours outstanding female physicists and aims to inspire school students and women to pursue scientific careers

 A contemporary sociological classic

Learning from the past: In an interview, Dr Nicole Holzhauser, Head of the Theodor Geiger Archive, gives an insight into the life of Theodor Geiger and explains why the former sociology professor, who was dismissed from his post at the Technische Hochschule Braunschweig in 1933, is still relevant today.

Vaccine research against East Coast Fever

Dr. Charles Ndawula from the National Livestock Resources Research Institute in Entebbe (Uganda) is working as a guest scientist in the Department of Medical Biotechnology. Here he is continuing his research on the development of vaccines against East Coast Fever. The Technical University of Braunschweig is also involved in the project as part of the ARISE programme of the African Academy of Sciences.

► Why are trees stressed?

The next children’s university at TU Braunschweig will take place on 16 November. Prof Robert Hänsch will focus on ecology and talk about the question: ‘Why are trees stressed?’ A warm invitation to all children aged between 8 and 12 with an interest in science and their parents! Registration is possible from 16 September.

► Open Day at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research

On 21 September, the HZI will open its doors at the Science Campus Braunschweig-Süd from 11 am to 4 pm. Under the motto Step into the world of infection research, visitors can gain an insight into current research topics and meet scientists such as TU Professor Melanie Brinkmann in person.

 ► Tag der Schiene on Schlossplatz

Also on 21 September, as part of the European Mobility Week, the rail transport region will be presenting itself on Braunschweig’s Schlossplatz. Our university will also be there to present its rail-related study opportunities.

► The ponds by the house: a musical reading

What does the music for a film that doesn’t exist sound like? How do words become sounds, harmonies and melodies? In the TU Orchestra’s semester break project Die Teiche am Haus, the music of orchestra member Richard von Soldenhoff Jr. merges with text excerpts from his father’s novel. The literary-musical double programme will be performed on 22 September at 5 pm in the auditorium of the Haus der Wissenschaft. Admission is free.

► Listen to the (real) experts

In the DFG project SCan, researchers from TU Braunschweig, the University of Duisburg Essen and the University of Potsdam analysed science communication in pandemics and specifically the role of public participation in social media discussions. The final event with insights into the results and panel discussions will take place in Berlin on 1 October. You can register here.

► Lars Gerhold as an expert on the topic Social Cohesion

On 6 September, a public hearing of the Enquete Commission II on the topic of social cohesion and population warnings took place in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, at which Prof. Lars Gerhold was invited as an expert witness. Topics included crisis and disaster communication as well as technical innovations in the warning sector.

Exchange of experiences on the development of ecosystems

On 17 December, all professors are invited to the event Building ecosystems – impulses from our clusters of excellence for an exchange of experiences, especially for professors appointed in the last five years. Registration is open until 1 October.

Our Darling of the week

… brings the worlds of science and art together. The Colours of QuantumFrontiers event on 22 September in the old TU building will showcase the interplay between quantum physics and the performing arts in a dance performance that can be experienced with all the senses. The event is part of the science festival Highlights of Physics 2024, which runs from 23 to 28 September with a diverse programme.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.