Mobile vaccination team comes to campus again On Thursday, September 16, vaccinations with Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine will be available without an appointment
The mobile vaccination teams of the Braunschweig Vaccination Center have also made four stops on the TU Braunschweig campus in recent weeks. The vaccination campaigns were well received by students and employees, so that another and final visit is planned for this week.
► In front of the Altgebäude, you can get vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine from on Thursday, September 16, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with no appointment necessary.
► Vaccinations with Johnson & Johnson vaccine will also be offered at the Braunschweig Vaccination Center in the Stadthalle until Friday, September 24. Initial vaccinations with the BioNTech vaccine are no longer possible there.

On Thursday, September 16, a mobile vaccination team of the Braunschweig Vaccination Center will be in front of the old building of the TU Braunschweig for the last time. Photo: Markus Hörster/TU Braunschweig
Plans for classroom teaching in the winter semester
At the beginning of September, the crisis management team and the presidency of the TU Braunschweig made an initial recommendation for classroom teaching in the winter semester 2021/22. The fact that 60 percent of the entire population is now fully vaccinated is a good starting point for this. An even better vaccination rate is expected by the start of lectures in October.
“From today’s perspective, we are optimistic that, as the vaccination progresses, the serious effects of the pandemic can be limited and that classroom teaching will be possible at the beginning of the lecture period of the winter semester. We will inform you about the final conditions for the implementation of classroom teaching in the winter semester at the beginning of October“, wrote Professor Knut Baumann, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, in his recent Update.
The vaccination progress and the new “3G” rule in the teaching rooms, together with mandatory mask wearing of the audience in the courses, allow a high level of protection in face-to-face teaching and represent the cornerstones of the planning.