6. April 2023 | Press releases:

Quantum physics, guided tour at LENA and more Information day on physics for school students on 15 April

What can you do with quantum physics? How are solar systems formed? How is the world of physics developing today and tomorrow? Interested school students can find answers to these questions and gain an insight into current research topics at the physics institutes at the Info Day for Physics at Technische Universität Braunschweig.

The Informationstag Physik (Physics Information Day) will take place on

Saturday, 15 April 2023, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.,
Physikzentrum der TU Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstr. 2-3, 38106 Braunschweig.

Admission is free. Registration is not required.

The information day promises school students a variety of insights into the physics institutes and into studying physics at TU Braunschweig through direct talks with university students and lecturers, lectures and guided tours. At the same time, experiments will encourage them to participate, to make superconductors levitate, to transmit messages securely with quantum cryptography or to learn more about quantum physics with quantum mini-golf.


  • 10.00 a.m | Arrival
  • 10.30 a.m. | Welcome by the Dean of Studies and the subject group
  • 10.35 a.m. | Lecture by Prof. Matthias Bücker and Prof. Ferdinand Plaschke
  • 10.50 a.m. | Lecture by Prof. Dirk Menzel
  • 11.05 a.m. | Short presentation of the degree programmes by students of the physics department
  • 11.35 a.m. | Information stands, interactive experiments, laboratory tours
  • 01.00 p.m. | Guided tour of the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA)
  • 02.00 p.m. | End

In the first lecture, Prof. Matthias Bücker and Prof. Ferdinand Plaschke will talk about the topic: Why planets cannot simply be X-rayed … and how we can still get a picture of the structure of our Earth and other bodies in the solar system? The lecture reveals how in geophysics we make use of the principle of electromagnetic induction to look deep into the ground beneath our feet. And not only on land and in water on our Earth, but also – with the right equipment from Braunschweig – on the international JUICE space mission of the ESA, which will be launched in the direction of Jupiter’s moons during the week of the Info Day and in which institutes of TU Braunschweig are involved!

Afterwards, Prof. Dirk Menzel will report on the topic: Of spin vortices and mirror images – topology and chirality in quantum technology. A cup can be deformed into a donut, but not into a sphere, because it has no hole. This insight also plays a very decisive role in the world of the very smallest, quantum physics, and opens up exciting possibilities for technologies of the future.

Guided tour at LENA: At 1 pm, the guided tour starts at the neighbouring LENA (Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology). In the research centre for nanometrology, the smallest structures for nanotechnology are investigated using various methods such as electron microscopy and lasers. The laboratory tour gives an insight into the role physics plays there.