14. February 2025 | Press releases:

Deutschlandstipendium for 126 students at TU Braunschweig 44 sponsors enable funding of €453,600

A Deutschlandstipendium allows students to concentrate more on their studies and gives them access to a strong network. This year, 126 students, including 72 women, at Technische Universität Braunschweig will receive the monthly grant of 300 euros. For the academic year 2024/25, the TU has found 44 sponsors from industry, foundations, associations and private individuals. Together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which finances half of each scholarship, a total of €453,600 has been raised. The scholarships were awarded on 13 February 2025 in the presence of the sponsors.

Of the 44 sponsors, some have been involved since the start of the programme in 2011. The number of scholarships has more than doubled from 60 to 126 due to the steady increase in sponsors. Over the past 14 years, 1,235 students at TU Braunschweig have received more than four million euros in funding.

TU President Angela Ittel is convinced: “Everyone benefits from the Deutschlandstipendium: through regular contact with scholarship holders and university staff, sponsors gain valuable insights into the thinking and actions of tomorrow’s employees, as well as into our current teaching and research work. The Deutschlandstipendium gives our talented students the opportunity to develop and pursue their own thoughts and creative ideas even more intensively.

“The Deutschlandstipendium stands not only for financial support, but also for the recognition and appreciation of achievements,” says scholarship holder Inka Peschel, a student on the Master’s programme in Sustainable Energy Technology. “Above all, achievement is demonstrated by what we do for our community by taking responsibility and actively shaping our environment.”

More time to study

The Deutschlandstipendium provides students with financial support so that they can devote more time to their studies. Students can apply online for a one-year scholarship, or even several times within the standard study period. It is also possible to apply before starting university. In addition to the main national selection criteria, ‘talent and achievement’, voluntary work, a sense of responsibility or special personal circumstances can also be taken into account when awarding the scholarship. A total of 443 TU students applied for this round. The 126 scholars come from all six faculties. With 26 scholarships, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has the largest share.

Valuable contacts and space for exchange

The scholarship offers not only financial support of 300 euros per month, but also an ideational support programme and an extensive network. Students have the opportunity to make valuable contacts at an early stage and build a professional network for their future careers. The TU Braunschweig Alumni Network also offers former students a space for exchange, where they can learn from other alumni, make valuable connections and take advantage of various events such as network meetings and alumni talks.

In recent years, the Germany Scholarship at TU Braunschweig has been managed by Vice-President Professor Katja Koch, who is now handing over to Vice-President Professor Arno Kwade.

The 44 sponsors in 2024/25: Adalbert-Zajadacz-Stiftung | apoBank-Stiftung | Avacon AG | BASF SE | Braunschweigischer Hochschulbund e.V. | Bundesverband der Deutschen Ziegelindustrie e.V. | Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V. | Cray Stiftung | Deutsche Bahn AG | Dr. Loges und Co. GmbH | Ed. Züblin AG | Familie Funke-Stiftung | Förderverein Partikeltechnik Braunschweig e.V. | Förderverein Strömungsmaschinen C. Pfleiderer e.V. | Gisela und Hermann Stegemann Stiftung | Glatt Pharmaceuticals GmbH | Hamburg Port Authority AöR | hameln pharma gmbH | Hilti Deutschland AG | Dr. Dieter Hochhuth | IHK Braunschweig | Ingrid Gruber Stiftung c/o Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig | Innovationsgesellschaft Technische Universität Braunschweig mbH | Jörg-und-Aenne-Hinze-Stiftung | MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH | NextPharma GmbH | Niedersächsische Lotto-Sport-Stiftung | Nord LB | Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig | Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co. KG |  Peiner Träger GmbH | PRISMA Projektingenieure für Strategie und Management GmbH | Pro Stiftung, c/o Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig | Repha GmbH | Siemens Mobility GmbH | Sigi und Hans Meder Stiftung |  Stiftung der Bauindustrie Niedersachsen-Bremen | STRABAG AG | Talanx AG (vertreten durch die HDI AG) | Tennet TSO GmbH | TÜV NORD GROUP | Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. |  VGH