27. October 2021 | Press releases:

Decide Now on a Course of Study Enrollment deadlines extended

Sometimes it is not so easy to decide. Whether Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering: for those who make up their minds at short notice, the Technische Universität Braunschweig now offers the opportunity to enroll in an admission-free Bachelor’s program for the winter semester 2021/22, which has already started, until Friday, 05 November 2021. A special service has been set up so that students can get advice beforehand. From Monday, November 01, to Friday, November 05, 2021, prospective students can still hand in their application in person at the Study Service Centre and have it checked for completeness.

Prospective students can also continue to apply via the online application portal until November 05, 2021. But here, too, the documents must be received by the Student Office no later than November 05. Missing documents may be submitted after the deadline.

Enrollment is still open for the following subjects:

Civil Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Financial and Industrial Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Environmental Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Business Informatics and Industrial Engineering/Mechanical Engineering. In addition, the 2-subject bachelor’s degree programs with the subjects History, Information Systems Engineering, Physics, and Physics and its Mediation are available for selection.

Due to the pandemic, many prospective students were particularly hesitant this year in making their decision to study, as they waited to see whether the courses would be held in the winter semester in attendance. The offer is aimed at precisely those people and offers those who have made up their minds at short notice the opportunity to start a Bachelor’s program at the TU Braunschweig in this winter semester without having to apply for admission.

Prospective students can obtain detailed information from the Academic Advice Service before enrolling and book individual advising appointments online. There, they can receive advice by phone or in a video call about, among other things, what requirements they can expect in the field of study and what course content is taught. They will also receive tips that will help them get a good start in their studies while they are still on the job. Advising without an appointment is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. In addition, the Academic Advice Service will answer questions by mail.

Special desk and extra enrollment day

At a special desk of the Student Office in the Study Service Centre, Haus der Wissenschaft, Pockelsstraße 11, in 38106 Braunschweig, applicants can directly hand in their enrollment documents from November 01 to 05 and have them checked for completeness, and clarify all questions regarding the enrollment procedure. In addition to the required documents, which are listed in the online enrollment, the original university entrance qualification, instead of an officially certified copy, can be brought along. The Study Service Centre will be open from November 01 to 04, 2021, from 10 am to 12 pm.

On Friday, November 05, there will be an extra enrollment day with extended hours. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the staff of the Student Office will accept enrollment documents in person. The 3G rule applies to visits to the Study Service Centre.