18. October 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │11.10.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Start of semester + Millions in funding for energy research + Teaching awards presented

Editor: Hannah Kreß

► Invitation to Staff Assembly

This year’s staff meeting will be held on 24 October in the auditorium of the Haus der Wissenschaft. The Staff Council cordially invites all staff members to attend. Items on the agenda include the use of AI and parking.

►   Start of university life

Aerial acrobatics, a musical medley, insights into science, and lots of encouraging words. For the 12th time, more than 3,100 students celebrated the start of their university careers together at the central freshers’ welcome event in the Eintracht stadium. Afterwards, the information fair took place on the central campus. A photo gallery shows impressions of the day.

► Boost  for energy research

TU Braunschweig is participating with several institutes in TEN.efzn, a major interdisciplinary, cross-location research programme for energy research. The state and the Volkswagen Foundation are funding the joint project with a total of 58.2 million euros from the zukunft.niedersachsen programme.

► German Steel Construction Award for Student Union Building

Another award for the Student house and architects Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke. The jury praised: The building is an excellent example of how steel can be used to create a high-quality, lightweight, steel-specific structure, and how its materialization and structure can be used to create a unique working environment for students.”

► Space physics between Mexico and Braunschweig

A partnership agreement has been in place between TU Braunschweig and the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City since March 2023. Prof Ferdinand Plaschke and Kristin Pump from the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics visited their geophysics colleagues at UNAM to explore opportunities for joint space exploration around the planets Earth and Mercury.

► Honorary professorship for Dr Claudia Stern

Claudia Stern was appointed honorary professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on 11 October. The Faculty thus honours her outstanding expertise in the field of aerospace medicine. Congratulations!

► Excellent publishing with gender dimensions

Nature and other well-known peer-reviewed journals require that gender and diversity dimensions be taken into account. The BMBF-funded project Gender Dimensions in STEM Research“ has summarized what researchers should be aware of in a blog post.

Meet Your Future You – Women in Science“

The format by the Research in Germany initiative invites to an online discussion round with experienced international female researchers on 23 October.

Welcome-meeting and baby bags for parents

On 12 November, President Prof. Angela Ittel invites you to a welcome-meeting with the presentation of the baby bags. All parents who had TU offspring“ last year or who could not attend the last event are invited. Please send your registration by e-mail by 1 November.

  The Paper Atlas 2024

… confirms that our university has made positive progress. Compared to the previous year, the use of recycled paper saved 325,280 liters of water and 73,389 kWh of energy. This means that our university has improved by about 70% compared to 2023.

Students successful in railway engineering competition

Railway engineering students of TU Braunschweig have once again done well in the SPITZKE Group’s student competition. Piravinija Perinpanayagam and Aron Welte won second place for our university. This year’s competition was dedicated to analysing the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of a corridor project.

TU for Future

TU for Future – lecture series on climate protection starts again in the winter semester. The next lecture is on 23 October with Dr. Jens Clausen, Borderstep Institute Hanover, on the topic „Herausforderung Wärmewende“.

 Award ceremony: Johannes Göderitz Prize

On 25 October at 17:00 the Johannes Göderitz Prize will be awarded in the Flebbe House. This is an urban planning competition for students, in which students from different universities take part. This semester, the prize was awarded for the redesign of Braunschweig’s city center. 

► Free digital tools for teachers and students

At the beginning of the semester, the Co³Learn project offers lecturers the opportunity to use a presentation slide to inform students about the digital tools in the Academic Cloud that are free to use for university members. 

Our darlings of the week

… inspire students with their teaching and make knowledge come alive. At an awards ceremony on 15 October as part of the Studium Generale closing event, dedicated teachers were honored with teaching awards in six categories. 291 courses with more than 300 teachers had been nominated by students. Many congratulations!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.