24. May 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │24.05.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Living democracy + H2-Overview + Event highlights

Editor: Hannah Kreß

Commitment to diversity and living democracy

Due to the current nationwide events at universities and on social media in connection with the conflict in the Gaza Strip and Israel, the Presidential Board of the TU Braunschweig has once again clearly expressed the position of the Technische Universität Braunschweig.

► #buntstadt – 75 years of Basic Law

To emphasise the importance of our fundamental democratic values, the Staff Council, the AStA and President Angela Ittel invited all TU members to speak on University Square yesterday as part of the #buntstadt initiative. There will be further activities under the motto United for our democracy – for a strong Europe on 26 May on Braunschweig’s Schlossplatz with lots of music and further speeches. 

Hydrogen research for the energy transition

Whether condensation phenomena in aviation, refuelling station systems for trucks, the transformation of the steel industry, a dedicated H2 terminal or an interactive escape room. In order to master the challenges of the energy transition, numerous TU institutes are working on projects, innovation labs and the SE²A Cluster of Excellence to make hydrogen fit for the future. An overview.

E-mobility: wireless charging – convenient and automatable

Wireless energy transmission is a sustainable way of charging electric vehicles, especially for applications in public spaces and in the form of opportunity charging. In Braunschweig, researchers from TU Braunschweig are testing an inductive charging station in everyday use.

► Playing with supercomputers

Under the direction of TU Braunschweig and with the renowned game designer Uwe Rosenberg, the QUANTista project team is developing a board game about quantum technologies. Without any prior knowledge required, the game aims to introduce the new quantum technologies in an entertaining way and familiarise people with the associated job profiles.

Climate protection award for sustainable building project

This year’s Climate Protection Partner of the Year award went to the Wood-Block-Clay – Pilot Project for Sustainable Multi-storey Housing in Berlin”. The research and construction project is being scientifically monitored and analysed by the Institute for Building Climatology and Energy in Architecture together with researchers from the TU Berlin and the University of Stuttgart.

► University of Technology Sydney visits TU Braunschweig

On Tuesday, Professor James Wallman, Dean of the Faculty of Science at the Australian University of Technology in Sydney, visited TU Braunschweig. The two universities have been co-operating for over ten years. The partnership has now been further strengthened with the signing of a cotutelle agreement.

Inaugural lectures

Prof. Gavin O’Connor, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt National Metrology Institute, Measurements for the Masses or Metrology for the Life Sciences, and Prof. Christian Sieben, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Small things considered – the nanophysiology of virus entry, will hold their inaugural lectures on 29 May.

Mail from Braunschweig

In April, Jenica Kakadia from Canada spent three weeks at the Braunschweig Integrated Centre of Systems Biology (BRICS) researching changes in the metabolism of liver cells. The research stay was realised thanks to a cooperation between Professor Thekla Cordes from TU Braunschweig and Professor Ilka Heinemann from Western University in Canada. In the latest issue of “Mail from”, Kakadia talks about her experiences.

Health Week – Register now!

From 3 to 7 June, the Health Week 2024 will take place for the entire TU Braunschweig under the motto wellbeing@workandstudy. A varied programme awaits you once again. 

TUmorrow Days – Programme is online

This year’s TUmorrow Days have the motto Sustainability in Action and will take place from 11 to 13 June. In addition to current topics such as climate change, social justice and sustainable development, this year’s programme will focus on how we can make TU Braunschweig more sustainable. It’s worth taking a look at the varied programme!

Looking for touchable science

The Summervibes X Nordcampus festival on 22 June will combine music with science. The music programme for the day festival is already set. However, the organising team is still looking for exhibits and hands-on activities for the Science Field. Anyone interested can contact the team at i.stang@tu-braunschweig.de.

Information event on the Seed Funding Programme

On 30 May, researchers at TU Braunschweig who are interested in the Seed Funding Programme with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México can ask their questions or find partners for joint research projects at an online information event.

“Cooperation International”

The platform, coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, offers information on global cooperation in research, innovation and education, including the option of registering for country-specific newsletters that provide information on current funding opportunities.

Research and Transfer @ TU BS Singapore

Find out more about the research and transfer activities targeted by the research presence in Singapore in an online event on 29 May. The Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology and the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism will give an overview of TU BS Singapore and the opportunities for cooperation, research and education.

Braunschweig start-up prize: Apply now

A number of TU spin-offs have already been honoured with the start-up prize. Founders have until 31 May to apply for the next award, which is presented by Braunschweig Zukunft GmbH and Braunschweigische Landessparkasse.

After the virus? Long COVID in the world of work

On 6 June, the 1st Long COVID Dialogue Forum with Prof. Martin Korte will take place at the Haus der Wissenschaft. The aim of the event is to address the effects on the world of work, to establish an exchange between science and practice and thus to find ways to help those affected. To the registration.

City cycling: Registration started

From 1 to 21 September, it’s once again time to pedal for fitness and the climate and collect kilometres. Last year, the TU team set a new participant and distance record with 88,000 kilometres cycled. To make sure we are at the forefront again this year: Register now.

Darling of the week

A great award for our favourite of the week, Kristina Nikolaus. The TU graduate and co-founder and CEO of the TU spin-off Okapi Orbits was honoured as Founder of the Year at the German Startup Awards 2024. Her aerospace company has developed software that helps prevent satellite collisions in space and thus reduces further space debris. Congratulations to her!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.