24. January 2025 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │24.01.2025 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Funding for Science Quarter + New name: Welcome Support

Redaktion: Hannah Kreß

Foundation University: Conclusion of the Process

In 2023, the Executive Board resumed the exploratory process of establishing a foundation for TU Braunschweig and assessed this as a promising governance model for our university. A broad information campaign was launched last year. The Executive Board and the Senate now jointly inform about the conclusion of the process.

Reminder #WeRemember

On Monday, 27 January, the national day of remembrance, TU Braunschweig will commemorate the victims of National Socialism. At the university-wide event, which will take place at 2:30 p.m. in front of the Old Main Building, TU members will have the opportunity to commemorate the victims with a minute of silence after short speeches by President Angela Ittel and student representatives. 

CO_LIVING CAMPUS: Funding from the “Transformationslabor Hochschule” programme

The joint project CO_LIVING CAMPUS of our university and the city of Braunschweig has been included in the funding programme Transformationslabor Hochschule of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. In addition to financial support totalling 25,000 euros, the funding includes one year of process support.

Cybersecurity through quantum networks

As part of the collaborative project QR.N., Dr Christian Deppe’s working group at the Institute for Telecommunications is developing communication protocols for quantum repeater networks to increase their efficiency. The BMBF-funded collaborative project started in early January and aims to test concepts of quantum repeaters outside of laboratories. 

Honorary professorship for Dr Alexander Tourneau

Dr Alexander Tourneau was appointed Honorary Professor of the Carl Friedrich Gauß Fakultät on 20 January. This is in recognition of his outstanding expertise in the field of technological risk management, which he has been sharing with the faculty for many years through his lectures. Congratulations!

Inaugural lectures

Professors of the Institute of Geoecology will give their inaugural lectures on 29 January: Prof. Magdalena Sut-Lohmann about “Die zunehmende Bedeutung eines nachhaltigen Bodenmanagements in Zeiten des Klimawandels“ and Prof. Ilhan Özgen about “Bäume sterben aufrecht stehend”.

Early Career Meeting in Business Information Systems

Under the motto “Knowledge creates opportunities”, the WINT 2025 Wirtschaftsinformatik-Nachwuchstreffen (Business Information Systems Early Career Meeting) will take place at our university from 26 to 28 March. The programme includes practical and academic presentations, networking and workshops on career strategies and self-marketing. Registration is now open.

► Welcome Support for International Researchers: New Name, New Websites

The Research Services has restructured and redefined its support for international researchers in order to provide researchers and host institutions with more targeted support. The team is now called “Welcome Support for International Researchers” instead of “Mobile Researchers’ Services”. As part of this change two new websites are now being launched: Welcome Support for International Researchers, Service for Host Institutions.

► Applications for the 38th Technology Transfer Award due 31 January

Individuals as well as groups of people from companies or research and development institutions located in the IHK district Braunschweig can apply for the IHK award for a successful and innovative form of knowledge transfer. For more information on how to apply, please click here or send an email to tserv-leitung@tu-braunschweig.de.

Funding for gender-related topics

The “Braunschweiger Zentrum für Gender Studies” offers all institutes of the TU Braunschweig the chance to financially support teaching assignments, guest lectures and student assistants in projects. A clear connection to Gender Studies topics is required. Information on application procedures and deadlines can be found here or by emailing Dr. Susanne Kirchhoff.

► For founders and those interested in starting a business: Apply now!

The program of the HTI – Made in Thirty Eight of the iTUBS offers the opportunity to quickly, easily and free of charge take advantage of coaching, training and advice tailored to the individual needs of start-up projects. First Come, First Served! More information here.

► Invitation to the closing event

At the public closing event of project module 1 of the MA program “Organization, Governance, Education” on January 29 in PK 4.117, the project teams will present the results of their impact projects. This will be followed by the project exchange for the next project cycle, which is also open to the public. Please direct any questions about the event to: projekt-ogb@tu-braunschweig.de

► Darling of the Week

Wow! Stunning sunset photos taken by staff and students reached our social media team earlier this week. Many thanks to all of you! We welcome more beautiful photos (or selfies;)) from the various campuses via email in the future. Send them to social-media@tu-braunschweig.de.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.