22. March 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig 22.03.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Review of an UBiläum + Serial uniqueness + Alumni*ae network 

Editor: Hannah Kreß 

► Autonomous rendezvous for sustainable parcel delivery

On 22 March, a European research consortium at the Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen (NFF) will present a logistics system for a more sustainable last mile. In real road traffic, the scientists in the “LogiSmile” project will demonstrate a complete solution for a fully autonomous logistics concept, consisting of two autonomous lifting and delivery vehicles, on Hermann-Blenk-Straße.

► Recycling solid-state batteries

Solid-state batteries offer major advantages over conventional lithium-ion batteries. In order to counteract the rapidly increasing demand for materials and possible bottlenecks in battery production, customised recycling processes must be developed for the various types of solid-state batteries. Scientists from BLB, SE²A and Fraunhofer IST present solutions for this in the magazine “Nature Energy”.

► After the anniversary is before the future

Last year, Braunschweig University Library celebrated 275 years of knowledge spaces with various activities and events. A review of the anniversary year can now be found on the homepage. The publication of a commemorative volume on the history of the library is planned for this spring as the last official event of the UBiläums 2023.

►  Visiting IIT Bombay

At the beginning of March, a TU delegation travelled to India to intensify cooperation with IIT Bombay. In this interview, Professor Sándor Fekete from the Institute of Operating Systems and Computing provides insights into the delegation’s trip.

►  Serial becomes individual

Congratulations to Linus Schmitz! The Civil Engineering graduate has been awarded the German Steel Construction Prize by bauforumstahl for his term paper on 3D printing in steel construction, which he wrote at the Institute for Structural Design.

►  Seed funding for projects with Tampere University

Researchers and employees have until 15 April to submit an application to the Seed Funding Programme with Tampere University. Funding of up to 5,000 euros is available for research and administrative projects that further strengthen the partnership with Tampere University.

►  Data Dialogue: Support in research data management

Do you need support with research data management? Are you struggling with an application for a grant? To support you with these or similar challenges, the RDM4Braunschweig Data Dialogue will take place on 22 April from 9 am to 12.15 pm at BRICS. 

► Darling of the week

Our darlings of the week are our many alumni*ae who have shaped and influenced the university in its 279-year history. Since the beginning of the year, a team from the Alumni & Career Service Centre has been working to promote the exchange with former students, employees and academics. Take a look at the 34 alumni portraits already published and visit the Linkedin channel. Maybe you know someone or find someone again, and get connected!

► Events

Even during the lecture-free period, there is still plenty going on at TU Braunschweig. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.